Drake vs Mason

"Yahhhhhhhh! What the fuck!!! What the fuck happened to my face!!!"

Drake almost screamed his lungs out as he stared at the person in the mirror. His eyes were good at playing tricks with him which he was acquainted with, but this new trick seemed too huge to handle.

"No way, where's my face? Where's Jake's face?"

He touched his face violently, as though he would ripped his cheeks off.

"Why didn't I notice this before now?"

He was staring at a very beautiful face in the mirror. Round cute face with plump cheeks, silver eyes, button nose and kissable lips. His jaws blended perfectly with the roundness of the face.

"Young Master. Young Master!!!"

The door of his luxurious room opened to twelve henchmen. They rushed to him, pulling out their guns and batons,

"Where's the thief? Where's he? Young Master, who was it?"


"Sorry to mislead you. I was singing."