Disclosing the real person...

Drake climbed down the stairs quickly. He had been tempted to stay for a little while or even take the risk of returning to the doctor, but he was too excited to deliver the message to Chloe. More like wanting to liberate her.

He headed to his car before he recalled that he wasn't on good terms with Chloe.

"Why the fuck does this system do this to me? Why does it give me these kinda dumb tasks. What's that supposed to help me achieve? Am I some sort of detective?"

He remembered that he owed Chloe a favor. That was the bright side to his bothers. A strange thoughts kicked out the incumbent ones.

The thought of Liping, the annoying little girl being his master. He chuckled wryly.

"That's just too ridiculous. How can that even be?"

He lingered in the thoughts for a short while.

"To be factual, I've been getting ridiculous tasks before I even met her. How could she then be my master. What sense does it make?"