The fight...

Drake did all he could to push his frame up, throwing his arms ruthless against the indifferent large body of water. His body kept going down and down in the water. Deep and deep. His vision ineffective, nostrils filled with almost a rill, his mouth making efforts to cook up some words.


Drake couldn't believe that his mind involuntarily embraced the question. There was no seeming hope for him. Drake gave up trying. His eyes shut slowly, his body left to the judgement of the carefree water which obviously had no idea that someone was drowning in it.

When all hope was gone, he suddenly felt a great wave of currents travelling across his body, charging his inner person. And at once, his eyes glowed and he felt a very strange but extraordinary strength compelling his instincts.

Doing less to nothing, a force pushed his body up and up, out of the water till his head became visible.