The Unbelievable.

"Why do you feel so jumpy?"

Drake was really intrigued by how she acted suddenly. He squinted the corners of his eyes, not in rage but scorn.

"Do you think I have an ulterior motive?"

When she realized what he was doing, she walked back to the couch she had jumped up from.

Immediately she settled into the couch, Drake let out an uncontrollably wave of laughter. She looked offended at the way he laughed continuously, not breaking an eye contact with her.

Obviously he was making fun of her. But he didn't seem like he really cared this time. He didn't care that she could get mad at him. It seemed as though he was ready to give it whatever it'd take to feed the mirth.

When he'd had enough, he slowly piped down on it.

"Are you done?"

She folded her arms over her chest, sneering.

"Sorry... I couldn't control that. Who could think that the shy Caidine has such a dirty mind?"