Emotional damage: a truth and a lie

"Young Master..."

Mr Hao called one more time. But he couldn't risk making the call again because of the angry men actively charging at him.

A man who had his baton raised, bringing it down as soon as he got to Mr Hao had the same baton snatched from his hand.

Mr Hao, the new owner of the baton, by chance, hit the man in the face with the baton, so hard that there was a crack in the nose. Blood flowed through the nostrils.

Two men who had knives came at him, angrily and hungrily.

"Why are the eyes of this bastard these so big...?"

Mr Hao grabbed the hands of the two men... the two hands which held the weapons. He twirled the two around quickly till the couple were facing each other.

He slapped the back of their heads. The hit, on the surface seemed light, but it was as hard as it gets. The two men involuntarily drove their knives into the chest of each other and they fell away.