His emotions...

Pain travelled from one corner of his neck to the other. It felt like there was a pressure put on it. But then again, the pain disappeared.

There was peace and quiet at first, but then he began to hear chatters and light laughs. That left him wondering what the matter with him was.

He realized that his eyes were closed. And he wasn't lying down. He was seated. Slowly he let the will nudge his eyes to action, pushing the eyelids out of the way.

The light which greeted his weak pupils forced the eyes to close again. He opened his eyes.

After the vision was sound. He arced his head in the direction of the chatter. Then things began to make sense to him.

He was seated around a large princely table. The hall was very large and well furnished. There were costly chandeliers hanging down at the top of every corner of the hall.

But those details weren't important to hum . The constant noise made him look. There were men seated round the large table.