
Warriors are about to stop my father from joining us. Alfred, Winston, and even I had warned him. The last warning that Winston gave was to let him go without the guards to hold him. He is obstinate. He even sat on the vacant dining chair at the side, near Alfred. It gives us a reason to stop the conversation and focus on him. An attention grabber.

"Hey, you crossed the line!" I told Father as I stood from the smooth chair that handles my butt, smaller than Winston's chair. Then, I made it move backward and created a cracking sound on the floor. "You are supposed to take good care of your shitty pack. Do not mess with our business here!"

Father Zed did not bother to listen to me. He got the clean plate with the spoon and the fork on it. Aside from that, he tasted the pork near his plate. Get some grapes in the middle where the baskets of fruits are placed.