Chapitre 6

hapter 6

Luna looked at the paper and then at another before holding them up next to each other with a frown.

Finally, she got down from the chair and moved across the chamber to where I was laying on the couch, reading a book, Fern curled on the floor next to me. The timberwolf now almost twice the size as when I got him, growing quickly.

It would be interesting to see how large he would get, the Timberwolves I've seen in the wild were well over twice the size of a pony.

Heh! In Diarchy Equestria, pony rides you!

"Page, can you have a look at this?" she asked and held the papers out for me before she hesitated with a small frown and sighed, "Page? Seriously?"

"What did I miss?" I complained, letting the illusion fade away while revealing that I was really in the comfortable chair to the side, "I had it perfect this time!"

Luna shook her head, "Almost. But there was no scent," she said before she moved over, "Colts, you get a new toy and it's all you can think of."

Grinning, I stole a nuzzle, "But it's such a cool trick and I almost have it down perfectly! Now, what was it you wanted me to look at?"

"Does this make sense to you?" She asked and handed over the papers

I held them up and read through them real quickly.

A proposal for the construction of a new library for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns with some cost estimates.

"Not really," I told her after a moment, "This should be on your sisters desk."

"That's what I thought too," she agreed, "But not what I meant. The prices posted seemed high."

I shook my head and looked again before I shrugged my wings, "To be honest, I'm the wrong pony to ask. It's a high number of bits, sure, but maybe they are building it out? of marble or something to match the rest of the school. I think I would drop this on Sunshine's desk and let her handle it."

Luna hesitated and then shook her head as she eyed the paper, "No, I will get to the bottom of this. It may have ended up on my table by mistake, but it's now my mystery to solve."

I frowned at her, "Suspecting some kind of embezzlement or something?"

She frowned, "Don't know. But I intend to figure out," she continued and returned to her desk, digging through the piles.

"Love, just hand it over to the treasury to figure out," I sighed, "It's literally their job."

Luna stuck her tongue out at me, "Not this time! This one is mine!"

I chuckled and returned to the book on firemagic, "Have fun, love."

"Mhmm," she agreed got back to work, flicking through a book.

"For somepony that dislikes math as much as I do, you seem highly motivated about this one."

Luna hummed and turned the page, "I like mysteries."

"Not a fan myself," I admitted, "They are usually really easy to figure out and as such boring or horribly constructed with no logical sense and then they are stupid instead."

"I'm talking about real life, not stories, My Page," Luna answered and switched papers.

I raised my eyebrows at her, "There is a difference? It's still just a story, it just that it has to make somewhat logical sense. You just tend to have a lot less information available to you. Once you figure out where to start, it should all just fall into place."

Luna frowned at that, "You may have a point there," she admitted, "But you need to find the right point to start."

"Money, it's the money," I said and turned the page to read about a more explody type of fireball, "It's always the money. Money, power or the mare."

"Or stallion," Luna agreed and picked up another paper, "or pride."

"Bundled under power," I said and frowned at the book, "Does this make sense? The power inversion causes a rapid recompilation of power and a semi self-sustaining exothermic reaction until the stability keeps it at equilibrium until the thermobaric pressure reaches critical level."

"Always check the spell equation, not the magic-babble. They tend to ramble, especially in the older books. For more specific advice on fire magic, you have to ask my sister, I can't do it," Luna answered distractedly while frowning at the papers, "…You're right, I need a better place to start. I'm going to the treasury."

Nodding in agreement, I then turned to look over at her, "Want some company?"

"No, it's fine," she answered, trotting over and kisses my cheek, "It's bedtime for you soon anyway and I don't want to keep you up. Besides, you know you would just be bored."

"With you around? How could I possibly be bored?"

That got a smile from her and another kiss before she brushed her wing along my back on the way out, "Sweet dreams, My Page."

"Sweet dreams, My Sky."

Looking after her for a couple of moments, I sighed and turned back to my book. This split schedule wasn't exactly great, but at the very least I wasn't tired all the time.

Hmm. I should try out some of these spells tomorrow, I have to check if Sunset is free tomorrow, she was good at these kind of things. Don't want to accidentally set my mane on fire.



"Yes, sir?" my changeling guard answered and looked out at me from around the backrest of the chair.

"Is it tomorrow or the day after Twilight leaves for Ponyville?" I asked, looking up at her. I think I may be pretty much immune to jump scares after Skitter and then Amber following me around.

Amber tilted her head in thought, "Tomorrow morning I believe, sir."

"Thank you, Amber. Not sure what I would do without you."

"You're welcome, sir," she answered with a smile and the next time I checked, she were gone.

Smiling, I returned to my book.

Changelings. Got to love them.