Chapitre 8

Chapter 8

"New rule," Sunset said as she felt her mane, "No more fire magic for you."

"I'm sure I'll get it if I try again!"

She turned to glare at me, "You almost set me on fire! Again!"

"It's meant to explode. It was just a bit early," I protested, "I just need to…"

"No!" she exclaimed and stomped her hoof, "We been at this all day. You aren't getting any better and I'm tired of being scorched!"

She did look a bit worse for wear. Nothing seemed to have actually burst into flame on her but she was a bit… sooty.

I sighed and sat down, "…Sorry."

Sunset sighed and then turned to Swift, "Back me up here?"

He grinned, "When the lady is right, she's right."

I glowered at him, "Traitor."

Swift shrugged, "Page, face it. It's not working out and sooner or sooner you'll set yourself on fire if you continue. There's a reason I'm here with a bucket of water."

"You are just looking for a reason to splash me with it!"

He just grinned.

Sighing I nodded, "Fine. No more fire spells then," and reached up to rub my horn. It was starting to hurt anyway.

"Thank you!" Sunset said and turned to Swift, "Tell me the truth, do I smell like burnt mane?"

"Maybe a little?"

She groaned and shook her head before shooting me a glare, "I'll have that book back now."

"…It's in my bag," I grumbled.

I almost had it that last time.

"Well I'm done," Sunset said and brushed her mane back, "I'm going to take a bath and get some nice wine and try not to smell like burned mane."

I cringed, "Sorry and thanks"

She rolled her eyes and gave my nose a flick with her tail tip on the way past, "You owe me."

"I do," I admitted, "See you tomorrow?"

"Yep," she said and dropped her bag across her back before glancing back at me, "No setting yourself on fire again."

"…Yes, ma'am."

Good advice in general.

"Dude you are really bad at fire spells," Swift chuckled and trotted up next to me, "Not even sure how you mess up some of them. Anyone can cast a fireball."

"Apparently not me. What am I doing wrong?"

Gout of flame? That I could do since it was basically just a stream of fire twisted energy. Anything else just didn't work. Or rather it didn't work correctly depending on how you looked at it.

He shrugged, "I don't know. Looked right to me. Well, other than the setting yourself on fire thing."

I sighed again and looked over the pristine/whole/untouched target. I hadn't had this much trouble with a spell since I first learned to cast magic.

"Let me try again."

"Okay, just let me get waaay away from you and behind something solid. Also, could you write a note to the Princess? I really don't want to be the one to explain why you exploded."

I rubbed my forehead and nodded, "Okay no more firespells. My horn hurt anyway."

Swift frowned, "…Maybe it's an alicorn thing?"

"I'll have to ask somepony that," I groaned and rubbed my forehead, "Damn it. Starting to really smart now."

"Well, you did take a couple of explosions to the face…" He commented with a grin, "Come on, let's give it up. You can blow up on somepony else's watch."

"Fair enough. I really should ask Celestia or Twilight about this anyway before I blow myself up," I sighed and shifted my wings, "am I missing some feathers?"

"Edge of your mane is a bit scorched and you are smoking in places ."

"…Luna is going to kill me."

Swift looked way too amused for his own good, "Could have been worse, I could have needed to use the bucket."

"There is that," I grumbled and then stretched my wings, "Think Sunset will be pissed for long?"

Swift looked in the direction the mare disappeared to, "Don't think so? But maybe bring a gift of some sort tomorrow."

"Not a bad idea," I agreed , "And I need a bath. Luna will be annoyed if I show up smelling like burnt fur."

" Same with Minuette now that I think about it."