Chapitre 13

Chapter 13

"Stop laughing at me," I grumbled, "This is serious."

Luna started to calm down, "You actually volunteered!?"


That set her off again and she almost rolled off the bed, hooves kicking at the air.

"It's not that funny."

"It really is. You have nopony to blame but yourself, silly Page," Luna chuckled and looked at me with a grin, "Good luck, your highness."

I glowered at her.

Smiling, she shifted to nuzzle before frowning slightly, "She actually dripped gold?"

"Yeah. I've never, ever, seen Celestia not have perfect control. She needs some time to just relax and play with her pet star."

"The sun is nothing like my stars!"

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Let me have what little remain of my view of how the universe works."

Shaking her head, Lunas mane shifted to flow the other way, "I'll meet my sister for evening tea, we should likely talk this over."

"Tell her Twilight volunteered for me!"

That got a smile from the dark alicorn, "Oh no, this one is all on you. I'll help when I can, but I sleep during the day."

"That's right! It will cut down on our time together!"

"We can handle two weeks," she countered and rolled back onto her stomach, stroking her wing along my back, "Now stop trying to get out of this and take it like a stallion."

Sighing, I nodded and poked at the bed, "...Fine."

And I just managed to get out of the entire setting up a personal guard business by Sunset volunteering to handle it for me. Seriously, that mare is getting the biggest heartswarming gift.

A year's worth of free visits to that spa she likes or something.

I just managed to get out of that and now I ended up with this heaped on me and I couldn't even blame Celestia for talking me into it, it was my bloody idea in the first place. I just…

I didn't like seeing her like that. If anypony deserved to be allowed to take a break from time to time, then she certainly did. If I had to cut down on my writing from time to time to help her do that, then so be it.

Not like I couldn't handle the dream stuff in my sleep anyway. Literally.

"Let's go then," I sighed and got up, stretching my wings, "It's almost time to meet her for breakfast."

Well, Lunas breakfast, my evening meal and Celestias evening tea.

Luna shook her head, "Would you mind if I do this one alone with my sister?"

"Hm? Sure."

"We just have some sister things to discuss," she said with a smile and nuzzled at my ear, "I'm sure you'll be able to find something else to eat."

"No, I'll starve to death," I answered with a smile and nuzzled back, "Oh woe is me. Whatever shall I do."

That got a giggle from her, "Just make sure you stay out of the Pathfinder, I don't need you drunk on the couch again singing with Shining Armor while I try to figure out tax equations."

"...I don't remember that happening."

"You wouldn't!"

Shrugging my wings, I nodded, "That was one time. I basically only go there when Shining is in town anyway."

A cider now and then with Swift and Thunder didn't count. Not like we got sloshed every week.

Stretching like a cat, Luna jumped off the bed and fluffed her wings before folding them and reaching for her regalia with her magic, "I should be back around midnight."

"See you then, My Sky,"

Luna winked back at me over her shoulder as she left the room. I watched her go for a moment. That is a rather nice sight after all and deserved appreciation.

I glanced out the window. That did present a problem though: I was getting hungry and my normal dinner plans were not going to work today.

Hum. Hmm.

Pizza sounded nice, but I still haven't been able to convince the chefs that my version was better.


"Yes, sir?" the changeling asked from beneath the bed, sticking her head out.

"Is Swift on duty tonight?"

She shook her head, "No, sir. His day off. He said he was going to take his mate out tonight."

"Well then," I said and frowned slightly, "…That do beg the question, what am I going to do for dinner? You know what, let's check what the kitchen has ready."