Chapitre 18

Chapter 18

Where's my tea?

I shifted my papers around before finding my cup beneath a report on avocados. Cold. Of course it's cold. It's been hours.

A knock on the door drew my attention, "Yes?"

Sunset pushed the door open and trotted in with a bunch of papers on a clipboard, "Having fun?" she asked with a smile.

"Yes, fun. That's one thing to call it," I said and rubbed my eyes as she closed the door, "I have no idea how Celestia handle this day after day."

Sunset smiled and trotted over to the desk, "What are you doing anyway?"

"..Paperwork. You wouldn't believe how much is generated in Equestria. And this is just the things that need Celestia's eyes on it, filtered up through the lower levels."

She nodded and picked a paper up, "Import limits on avocados?"

"That one just need a signature," I said and took it, scribbling my name on it, "There. One thing done, half a million more to go."

Sunset frowned at the stacks of paper, "Doesn't Princess Luna handle half of it?"

"Yes and I have no idea how Celestia did it when she wasn't here! The days are 90% packed as is!"

That got a giggle from her and she moved around the desk, "I have some more for you too. Sign these," she said and held up the clipboard.

I nodded and scribbled my name on the dotted line of the first one before flipping to sign the next one, "What am I signing?"

"Not going to read them?"

I shrugged and continued signing "Please. If I had my own way you would be wearing one of these," I said and flicked the medallion around my neck.

"Thank you," she said and then pointed, "Missed one."

"Sorry," I sighed and signed there too, "What are these anyway?"

"Just paperwork for my purchase of the castle for two bits."

I nodded, "That's nice. Upkeep is your problem now, I have the approval forms here somewhere."

Sunset laughed, "No thanks. They are actually the forms needed to approve the formation of your Guard and the requisition of training areas, living areas and equipment purchase orders."

Blinking at her I nodded, "Oh. I thought there would be more papers involved in that."

"There is. Tons of tons. But these are the ones that needed your signature. Princess Luna had to sign off on ten or so pages as well."

"Thank you so much for handling this for me Sunny. I have no idea how I would be able to manage that and this at the same time."

She grinned, "I just find it hilarious. You managed to get me to bail you out on organizing your guards and then you promptly stumbled into this instead!"

I glowered at her, "Sure it's funny from that side of the desk."

"It is!"

Rolling my eyes I poked her with my hoof, "If you have time to be 'funny' you have time to help me fix up this mess."

Sunny stuck her tongue out at me, "Oh please, like I'm not busy as it is. Have you any idea how much goes into forming this guard of yours?"

"No. Thank you for doing this."

"Honestly it's kinda fun," she admitted and then grinned, "I get to yell at ponies!"

"Enjoy yourself."

She smiled and nodded, "I will," she agreed, "You too."

"You think you are so funny at times, Sunny."

"I'm hilarious," she said with a smile and picked up her clipboard, "Now I better get these delivered to the right places so we can get actually started."

I nodded, "I should likely get back to work too," I sighed and picked up my tea, taking a sip before sticking my tongue out, "Ew. Cold. New agenda. Tea first."

"Want some company? I could use a break too to be honest."

"Yes please," I said and shuffled up the papers, trying to get some sort of order so I'd be able to pick up where I left off when I get back.

"Come on and let's find some coffee," she said and stretched before double checking the signatures on her papers.

"Ew," I said and got up before I cringed, my wings feeling like they had ants crawling across them.

Okay then. First order of business as soon as I get back, new chair.

"Wing ache?" Sunset asked with a frown, "Twi get them from time to time when sitting and reading too long."

"I need a new chair here," I said and glanced back at it, "How does she do it? It's rock hard! Now I understand the massive pillows! That's it, I'm remodelling this room!"

Sunset giggled and moved to bump her side against mine, "Come on, let's get you some tea first. You get strange when decaffeinated."