Chapitre 22

Chapter 22

The usual flash of light revealed the dream for me. From the outside, it had been a calm dark colour. Not exactly a nightmare or a Nightmare, but at the very least a bad dream.

Why wasn't immediately apparent as I was standing in the middle of a tent camp, rows of tents in several directions, ponies in armour moving back and forth with goods, weapons or doing other jobs.

Before me was a larger tent than the rest, almost a small pavilion, two guards standing outside, one in black and the other in golden armour.

Looking around, I then moved past them into the tent. At the centre was a large map on a table and around it was a bunch of older ponies in armour, ponies, unicorns and a couple of earth ponies. The ones that stood out, however, were Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Cadence and myself.

Luna and Celestia looked younger than before. Luna seemed to be Cadence's age and size and Celestia looked like Luna did now. They were wearing what almost seemed like more ornamental and more expensive versions of the armour of their guards and while their manes were flowing like normal, they were pink and blue rather than their current colours.

Twilight wasn't wearing armour, instead, she had a simple cloak and tiara on, a book floating open next to her.

Cadence was in silver armour, standing next to Twilight, one hoof on the map as they talked quietly.

Dream me was standing next to Celestia, studying the map. Wearing my Warmage cloak, I had several chakrams hanging from the weapon belts and a sword by my side.

I was also about the same size as Celestia was currently.

Looking over the setting I then moved forward, slipping into dream me before I tapped my hoof on the floor with an application of will.

The dream solidified around me and Celestia shook her head a couple of times as if to clear it, looking around before I smiled at her. "Hello, Sunshine."

She blinked at me. "Page, Hello."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude," I said and shrugged my wings a bit. "It looked like… not a nightmare exactly, but a bad dream. Wanted to see how you were."

She sighed softly. "I hardly mind, Page. You are always welcome here."

"How's your vacation?" I asked as I looked at the map. I didn't recognize the location, it was some sort of valley.

That got a smile from her. "It's wonderful. I'm in Cloudsdale and nopony knows who I am. I have to admit, it's difficult to adjust to not having to… do things."

"I can see why," I told her and poked her with my wing. "I have no idea how you handle all this day in and day out. At the end of these weeks, I'm the one that'll need a vacation."

She smiled and nodded. "It's a hard job, but well worth doing. How are things going?"

"Well enough," I admitted. "Nothing is on fire yet and I suspect I'm driving the local noble population up the walls."

Celestia giggled at that. "Good, they need some shaking up from time to time," she said, flicking her flowing pink mane across her other shoulder.

"So what is this?" I asked, looking around the tent.

Her smile dropped and she looked sad as she moved to settle down on one of the large pillows. "The battle for Stardew Valley. During the unification of Equestria."

"I don't remember being here," I said and settled down next to her.

"Dreams do as they wish."

"Very true," I agreed. "This was a bad memory?"

Celestia hesitated. "...I don't believe you wish to see this, Page."

The dream felt like it wanted to shift and I let it. Suddenly the tent was gone as we were laying on the soft grass, overlooking a valley at dawn.

"I know parts of Equestria's past is hidden from most ponies," I said and looked at her. "I don't like it, but that's how things are. Humans have a saying, those that don't study history are doomed to repeat it."

"A wise saying," Celestia sighed and then nodded. "I suppose you deserve to know."

I put my wing across her back and pulled her close. "Sunshine, whatever you say, I bet my former species has you beat by several levels of magnitude."

That got a slight smile from her. "Was that meant to be comforting? All that does is make me curious."

"...I'll tell you sometime, but I suspect you would rather not know. I know I was happier before I did."

That got me a small nuzzle before she looked out over the valley. "Three thousand strong Equestrian force of unicorns, earth ponies and pegasi against fifteen thousand imperial earth ponies."

"Even with unicorn magic and pegasi support, that doesn't sound like a winning combination."

She shook her head and leaned against my side as we overlooked the valley. The armies were lining up. The Equestrian forces looked small compared to the forces against them.

"This was early on," she continued quietly. "Very early and we stood against the strongest earth pony empire ever seen. If we had lost, the dream of one Equestria would have been over, perhaps for good."

I nodded. "What happened?"

She smiled sadly. "The world had never seen an Alicorn use her full power in battle before. There were two of us here. We chose this location carefully because of the thick grass and strong winds."


"I cast the spell while my sister and the unicorn mages harnessed the wind to our purpose," she continued as the valley ignited and turned into a firestorm that ripped through it, igniting everything in its way. The enemy forces turned and tried to flee, but the flames were moving too fast. They were quickly overtaken and hidden from view by the wall of fire.

As the first group were hit, Celestia cringed next to me, shivering. I pulled her closer. "It's only a memory."

"I'll never forget the… the sound. Or the smell."

Enough of this.

An application of will replaced the valley with her chambers at the castle, the doors open to allow spring wind and sunshine inside.

"You did what you had to do," I told her quietly, hugging her close with my wing. "You protected your ponies, like always."

Sighing softly, she leaned against me and closed her eyes. "I know. But I can still hate that I did it."

"How about a happier subject?" I asked quietly.

"Please," she said softly. "How's your new book coming along?"

"I thought we said a happier subject," I sighed, drawing a laugh from her.