Chapitre 28

Chapter 28

Walking back into my and Luna's quarters, I yawned and stretched my wings, removing my cloak to toss it onto the couch with my magic.

I was exhausted.

The reception had gone better than I expected, but considering I thought there would be things on fire at the end, that didn't say much.

Things had actually gone perfectly.

Everypony seemed to have enjoyed it, at least within my hearing range, which was all I really cared about at the moment. Any scandals will be Celestia's problem in a couple of days.

It wasn't anywhere near sunset yet; the entire thing had been held during the middle of the day. Which was too bad as it meant Luna had not really been able to show… of course, technically she could have, but not like I would have asked her to get up during the day like that unless it was actually important.

Technically I should have been doing paperwork right now, but all kinds of nope to that.

Grabbing a quick drink, I undressed and stretched before making my way into the bedroom and scooting in next to Luna.

She shifted slightly, her wing shifting to rest across my back and I leaned against her and sighed, closing my eyes.


Much better.

Luna lazily pulled me closer and nuzzled at my ears. "…Ow did it go?" she mumbled.

"Well enough," I answered quietly, "Go back to sleep."

She made a small sleepy sound and cuddled me closer, closing her eyes again.

Closing my eyes, I relaxed and just enjoyed the moment.

I fell asleep at some point but didn't bother entering the dream realm, I simply slept.

Seeming to have slept for only a couple of seconds, I woke up to nuzzles at my ears and I groaned and cuddled closer to the bed. "Humgz."

"You are so good with your words," Luna teased. "How did things go?"

"Well enough," I mumbled and rolled over to nuzzle against her neck. "New Ambassador doesn't seem too objectionable, none of the nobles caught fire and I think I got Sparks and Sunny some date time. So I'll count it as a win."

"Sounds like it went well then," Luna agreed with a smile and relaxed again. "Just want to stay here."

"Me too."

"…But sunset waits for nopony," she sighed.

"Well, other than Twilight," I teased, drawing a giggle from her,

"Don't start that, that can get silly fast," she said and shook her head. "Sun is going down. I should get ready to raise my moon."

"Come back after you handled your pet rock?" I asked and rolled onto my back to look up at her. "Let's just relax tonight."

"Or not relax," she teased and stretched. "That sounds wonderful, but I have too much to do."


She smiled sadly and then stole a small kiss. "I'm sorry, My Page. But I have a lot of work to finish before Night Court opens."

Groaning softly, I nodded.


Luna jumped off the bed and moved to put her regalia on before she glanced back at me. "As soon as my sister returns, we'll have more time. I promise."

"…I thought I was doing her work. Are you getting some?"

She shrugged her wings. "Just some paperwork. You are doing the great majority, but some of it needs an actual Princess's eyes on it, not a herald's."

"Oh. That makes sense. Sorry."

That drew a smile from her. "My sister handled all of it for a long time. I can handle a couple of extra signatures a night. Join me for breakfast after?"

"Love to," I said and watched her as she moved towards the balcony.

So beautiful.

Settling down as she went out of view, I stretched my wings and then relaxed again. Damn it, falling asleep had not been a good idea. Now I would need to magic myself asleep in a couple of hours if I'm to be able to twist my sleeping schedule back on track.

Light in the room shifted as the sun set outside and the moon started to rise.

"Mmm…Luna?" I asked as she returned inside. "Did you ever figure out that entire thing with the school library?"

She nodded. "Nothing to it, it turned out," she answered. "It seemed like it was simply expensive."


"Breakfast then, My Page?"

I reached out to her with my magic to pull her gently towards the bed. "Later."

She didn't exactly object.