Chapitre 31

Chapter 31

Last day! Last day!

I couldn't help but feel cheerful even as I read through a rather depressing report on the state of Stalliongrad's city coffers.

Last day! Celestia is back tomorrow and soon as she returns, I'm taking a week and doing nothing! Maybe even visit that spa Sunny keeps raving about.

Still, that didn't mean I had been any less busy today than yesterday. But only a couple of hours left!

Three hours and then no more of this and if Celestia thought this would make me more willing to pick up a crown, she was delusional!

No way!

Taking a sip of my tea, I smiled and scribbled down some notes on the situation to leave for her when she returned.

Not going to slack off though, I promised I would do this and do this I would.

Picking up the next report, I reached for my tea only to glance down at it and see a big yellow eye floating around in it.

The next second the cup and tea in it smashed into the wall opposite to me as I scrambled out of my chair, trying to get my heart back under control.


"You are fast on the uptake," he answered and stepped out from behind one of the books and snaked up to full size, "Maybe not as stupid as you look, my dear ape."

Taking a deep breath, I glared at him, "I'm surprised to see you, traitor. Would have thought you would have been hiding in Fluttershy's mane still. You know, after I killed your partner."

Discord cringed and disappeared to reappear, sitting in one of the chairs, waving a white flag, "Oh relax, I have no intention of causing trouble. Dear Fluttershy wanted me to… apologize."

He didn't sound overly happy about that.

I gave him a flat look, "Apologize?"

"For what I did," he grumbled, "Like I would need to, I'm a creature of chaos, I just did what I do!"

"Well, you better not do it again," I told him and rounded the desk, "This is your third and last shot, spawn of chaos. I'm not Celestia and I'm not Luna. I'm not Twilight or Cadence. You fuck up even once more and you are stone and I'm finding a sledgehammer."

That got a reaction from him and he slid across the room, ending up almost nose to nose with me, "You wouldn't do that to poor Discord!"

"Maybe, maybe not. But I'll tell you this," I said as I looked up at him, "Out here you may be as omnipotent as it's possible to get, but I'm pretty sure you still need to sleep from time to time. If you betray Equestria again and you ever enter my realm, I'll make sure you never stop screaming."

He blinked at me and pulled back, looking offended, "I'm a creature of chaos! I can't follow your rules! It goes against what I am!"

"Play your pranks all you want as long as nopony gets hurt," I told him and shifted my wings, "None of my business. But betray Equestria and you and I will have problems."

Discord blinked at me before he smiled, "My, my. That's almost princessly of you. I see why dear Celestia chose you to take over for her while she is getting her… wings… massaged. And you have caused such delicious chaos while doing it!"

I stared at him for a second, "…Just get out."

He smiled a bit wider, "So princessly actually, that I think it would fit you!" and raised his hand.

"Snap your fingers and I'll feed them to you, 'Q'," I snarled at him, "And then I'll hand you over to Luna. I'm pretty sure she would have words for you if you turned me into a mare."

Discord shrunk down and sighed, "You are no fun at all."

"Tough. Fuck off."

Discord looked very torn for a very long moment before he blurred into motion and suddenly one of my papers covered my sight and he disappeared in a bright flash I could see even through the paper.

Reaching up in annoyance I tore the paper off my horn and read it. It was nicely decorated and printed with gold and silk with the text, "Special 24h princess pass," written on it.

I frowned at it for a second before a horrible thought struck me and I looked at my hoof and leg. More slender than normal.

Closing my eyes, I sighed. The sigh was a much less deep tone than normal and my now much longer mane hung down over my eyes.

Kill him. Dead. He's dead.

You know what, fuck it. I'm done. Celestia can handle her own damn paperwork.

"Amber?" I asked and almost cringed at the sound of my voice.

"Yes miss?" She asked as she appeared behind me.


"…I'm calling it a day," I grumbled, "Find me a path to the tower where I won't be spotted by anypony, will you? Maybe Luna has a way to fix this before the time is up."

"Of course, Miss Page."

Luna damn it, Amber. And Sunset is never to find out about this. Never, ever.

"Page, I have something you need to sign he…" Sunset said as she walked inside before she just kind of trailed off and blinked at me in surprise.

…Kill me now.