Chapitre 6

Chapter 6

Stretching my wings, I walked along next to Sunset, "So… thanks."

"What was I supposed to do, leave you there?" she asked and rolled her eyes, "Amber went and got me as soon as you left the hive."


"Amber, why didn't you do it yourself?"

She jumped down from the rafters above, landing on my other side, "…I didn't think that seeing a changeling right then would be good, sir," Amber admitted, "Thank you for what you did, sir, you did a great service to the hive."

I gave her a poke with my wing, "Silly bug. If I can stand facing Queen Crysalis, why would I have a problem with a drone?"

"…Princess Skitter also thought it was better if a pony helped you."

"Then she is also a silly bug," I told her with a smile, "Can you tell her I'll speak with her later?"

Amber nodded and disappeared in a buzz of wings.

"So, meeting," I said and turned to Sunset, "What's up?"

She shook her head, "The Sisters want to confirm the guard schedule with you and discuss some logistical matters."

Record scratch.


"Oh, you haven't heard?" Sunset askes cheerfully, "That's one of the things they want to talk to you about. They want to suggest a name for them. Sisters of Battle."

I stared at her for a long moment, "You can not be serious!?"

She gave me an innocent look, "What?"

"There is no way that's not your fault! I know you know where's that from!"

That got a laugh from her, "I actually had nothing to do with it! I just find it hilarious!"

"Yeah, not happening," I grumbled, "Guardians, they can be known as Guardians."

Sunset bumped her side against mine, "Oh? How about… the Royal Angels?" she suggested, "They will be the tip of the spear and know no fear."

I just stared at her for a moment, "…I can't believe you are a forty thousand fan."

She shrugged, "I'm not. Well, not really. But I did run into it a couple of times and there was a club at school. Never played a game or anything, but I did flip through a rulebook once or twice."

Sighing, I shook my head, "…Not calling them Sisters of Battle. It's just a really bad idea in general and just tempting fate."

"So what about the Royal Angels?"

"No way, that way lies cults and flamers. I'm trying to avoid even the entire Prince thing!" I told her with a frown, "No."

Sunny sighed and stick her tongue out at me, "Stick in the mud."

"I'm going to have to live with it forever!"

"Hmm… Page's Angels!"

"Maybe if there were three of them," I grumbled and shook my head, "Did you do anything on Earth other than take in pop culture?"

Sunset shrugged a bit, "…Didn't have any friends, so didn't have much else to do," she said quietly before she smiled, "Fine. Dream Guardians?"

I nodded, "Could work but like you said, bit generic. I may nix the sisters, but I think it's only fair they get input into it."

"Fair enough," Sunny agreed, "So… feeling better?"

"Better," I said, "Feel almost normal, but we should push practice up until tomorrow. Walking around is fine, but I likely shouldn't try anything exhausting or I'll end up on my face."

"Can do."

"…So how was your weekend with Sparky?"

That perked the unicorn right up, "It was great!"

"That good huh?" I asked and then smirked at her, "Where did you two put Spike?"

"Sleepover with the Cutiemark Crusaders. Some friends of his," She said happily we went out for dinner.

"Aww, that's adorable."

She stuck her tongue out at me cheerfully before she smiled, "It was nice. I'm just a bit… well… long distance kind of sucks."

"You could move you know."

Sunset shook her head, "Wouldn't help much," she said, "I mean, it would be nice, but Twilight travel a lot and even when she doesn't, she is so busy with everything."

"Luna is also busy," I told her, "But just being able to be there and spend time with her as she works on her papers or just being able to sleep next to her mean a lot, even if we go to bed at different times and wake up differently."

She frowned a bit, "…That would be nice, I'll think about it," she said wistfully, "But Canterlot is my home. I don't mind visiting Ponyville, but it's so… everypony know everypony. I'm honestly not sure I could live there."

I guess I could see that.