Chapitre 18

Chapter 18

Maybe getting in a drinking contest with Sunset had not been the best idea in the world. But at least it had been a worse idea for her.

I at least had the resilience of an Alicorn/earth pony. Still, she kept up well enough and I felt all kinds of so much not very up for this today.

Besides, early morning.

Sipping my cup of quadruple strength tea with enough sugar that if it cooled down, it would likely be some kind of desert you ate with a spoon, I pushed the door open and shambled into Celestias room.

"Good morning, Page!"

I hate morning ponies.

Grumbling something approaching a greeting, I sat down on the chair across her desk from her, "…What did you want?"

Celestia shifted her wings and smiled cheerfully at me from across the desk before lifting a maid uniform from behind it in her magic, holding it into the air.

I just stared at it for a long moment and swallowed.

"…You're kidding," I finally managed to say.

She held her expression for a couple of more seconds before she started to laugh as she nodded, "Had you for a second there!"

"I blame not getting to sleep," I answered and sipped my 'tea'.

"Still, could be fun having you fluff my pillow."

"I'm sure those pillow could use a good smacking," I countered as I finally started to feel a bit awake, "But don't you have a pony for that already?"

"Oh, I have had more than one maid before," she said before her smile fell a bit, "…She couldn't come last week. Something came up for her."

I frowned and nodded, "Oh. That sucks."

Celestia sighed and nodded, "Clear Skies has her own life, I have no right to monopolize her… but we have scheduled next week."

"Sounds nice."

"Mmm," she agreed and sipped her own much more liquid tea, "Awake now?"

I nodded, "Being around you never do fail to get me up," I said with a smile. She actually blushed slightly! Barely visible, but it was there!


Okay, she is by far in the lead, but still.

It was the long game that counted.

"So… did you wake me up at this horrible hour just to mess with me or do you have an actual point to it, Sunshine?" I asked as I took another bite out of my tea.

Celestia put her cup down and nodded, "I do. I need to ask a favour of you."

"Not using the bet?"

"That would be folded into the favour if you are willing to do it," she said, "But it's too big just for a bet. I need somepony to go visit the griffons."

I just kind of blinked at her, "Griffons? Do you remember what happened last time I met a griffon? As I recall it, there were almost fighting involved."

"Which they would have respected," Celestia said, "But I need somepony to deliver this message that can understand griffons."


Celestia nodded, "A treaty for a permanent trade route between our nations, ships paid for by both our nations, crewed by mixed crews to move cargo back and forth over the ocean."

"The ocean filled with sea monsters?"

She smiled a bit, "While there are sea monsters in the ocean, they are not anywhere near as common as some think. Not anymore at least… and most avoid ships."

"And you think it's a good idea to send me?" I asked with a sigh, "…Celestia, you know I'm not good at the entire politics thing."

She stretched her wings before folding them again, "You seem to handle yourself well enough, Page," she said before she smiled, "Besides, I need somepony that would understand them. While I'm sure asking Twilight and she would do a good job and, I wanted to ask you."

"Because of what I was?"

Celestia moved out from around her desk, "Only partly, Page," she explained, "But not because of what or who you were, but because who you are. And because I think that you can do it."

I took a drink from my cooling tea before I looked up at her, "You really think I can do it?"

She nodded, "I do. If I didn't, I would never have asked."

"Okay. I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"Well, there is always the maid uniform."

I snorted and shook my head with a grin, "Tempting. Okay, fine. How long do you think it'll take?"

"Perhaps a month."

I tried not to cringe at that. But it did sound rather reasonable to be honest. A week there on airship, deliver the message and answer questions, give them time to talk things over and then a week back while allowing things to continue on normal diplomatic channels.

It just kind of sucked to be away from Luna for that long.

"When do I leave?"

"The airship won't be ready for a few days, but as soon as you wish after that. You may want to give your legion a few days extra to get preparations ready."

Nodding, I got off the chair and headed towards the door but not before giving her a half hug with one wing, "I'll better go and start to prepare then."

"I'll send somepony with the documents you'll need to read through, now get some rest Page."

This would be interesting.