Chapitre 26

Chapter 26

Entering the dream realm, I sighed and slowly allowed myself to sink down onto the not-ground.

In all honestly, dinner had not been that bad and there had been fish. But it had been a very long day and I felt exhausted.

I stayed like that for a moment, just keeping my eyes closed as I enjoyed the coolness of the dream realm.

Tomorrow negotiations would start. Or rather, I would present what I was here for. There were procedures of these things. I would have preferred to show up, tell him what we wanted and then leave.

But noooo…

Oh well, at least we were getting to the point tomorrow.

Sitting back up, I looked around before I sighed. Luna would be bright awake by now so no Luna time.

I started to flick through dream portals after giving them a quick sorting to get the ones with bad dreams.

No Nightmares in which was good.

I didn't really feel like hunting any down right now.

Anyone around that I could hang out with? Sunshine were deep asleep, but having a way too nice dream for me to want to interrupt. Celestias portal were almost shining pink.

It was rare to see one in that particular shade and almost everytime I seen one before was from Cadence.

Eyeing the portal for a second I then flicked my ears and sent it on it's way. I had to admit, I was kind of curious, but looking would be wrong.

Mentally flicking through the portals, I found some ponies. Sunset were asleep and without dreams at the moment.

Swift and Cloud were still awake so they were out.

Twilight were awake which were not very strange, she usually stayed up late reading.

Silver were awake too which was stranger. Maybe she were out with her friends.

Finally, I came up to a portal. Flat dark silvery green.

Changeling. More specifically, Chrysalis.

I had only gone into a changeling dream once with Skitter before she became a Princess. It was a strange experience I didn't really feel like repeating.

But I also felt like I really should check in on Chrysalis again so see that the stupid bug wasn't doing something idiotic again.

Glancing around for an excuse, I then sighed and folded my wings and entered through the portal.

Everything went all twisty for a second and then seemed stretch out forever just at the edge of my vision.

The effect of stretching out into infinity stayed around the edge of what I could see, but the rest formed into a dark cave with a ceiling just above my head, the walls kind of creeping in around me.

It was cool, dry and gave of a feeling of comfortable safe home.

Told you changelings were strange as fuck.

Chrysalis were laying on the floor of the cave, looking down at a pile of hoof sized white and fat squirming grubs on the floor between her forelegs.

She looked down at them for a long moment before she turned her head in my direction, "Welcome, little predator."

What in the fuck!? I hadn't solidified the dream! How did she know I was here!?

Tapping my hoof, I solidified it around us anyway before I spoke up, "Chrysalis. How…"

"Did I know you were here?" she asked and buzzed her wings before turning back to the pile of grubs, "I could taste you."


That did make sense. Was still strange, but made sense.

"Why are you here?" she finally asked and got up, turning to face me, "Checking in on me?"

"In a way," I agreed, "Just making sure you're not being stupid again."

Chrysalid looked at me and took a step closer, "And here I were starting to think you were starting to understand changelings."

"I do," I said and shook my head, looking up at her, "You thought you were a hinderance to the hive's greater good and as such needed to go away. They still need you, and that was the stupid part."

"The hive is Everything."

I nodded, "Almost everything."

Chrysalis snorted and shook her head, "No. Everything. The Hive must survive and thrive, no matter what. I'd burn the rest of the world if it meant the Hive would make it."

"But that's not the kind of thing that would make it happen," I told her, "It's not about force, not anymore."

She paused, and her wings lowered against her back, "…No. It's not. That's the old way. My way."

"The Hive need to adapt if it's to survive. Change to its environment."


I moved closer to look up at her, "So are you telling me that the Queen of the Changelings is incapable of change? Incapable of adapting?"

She growled at me, her wings buzzing hard as she took a step forward, sharp fangs bared with a snarl.

I raised my eyebrows at her, "Well?"

Chrysalis hissed at me, "Let me wake up."

"Sweet dreams, your highness," I told her with a smile, letting the dream fade away around us, letting go of my grasp around her and she disappeared from the dream world.