Chapitre 30

hapter 30

"So how were things at the market?" I asked as I looked up from my editing work as Sunset walked inside.

"Interesting," she said as she took off her bag, "Different from ponies for sure."

"In which way?"

"More aggressive haggling," she answered before she grinned, "Got you something!"

"Oooh, presents!"

Still grinning, she looked through her bag before pulling out something wrapped in a bit of cloth and handed it over to me.

Grabbing it in my magic, I unwrapped it.

It was a small statue of an alicorn, carved from obsidian rock and smoothed out, a moon cutie mark painted on.


"That's amazing, Sunny. Thank you!"

"They had an entire stall selling alicorn merchandise. I picked up a couple more things," she said and floated some from her bag, "A Princess Celestia one for Twi, like the one you have. And something for me and..."

I jumped off the couch, "What did you buy?"

She grinned and floated a brown coated alicorn plush with a scroll cutie mark from her bag, "Well, I have to get you in bed with me somehow," she teased.

I just stared at the thing for a second before I facehooved, "...I feel like I should be owned royalties or something."

"Mhmm," she agreed with a laugh before she put the toy on her back, "I may have picked up this one too," she admitted and floated one of Sparks out of her bag.

"D'aaawww, you two are ado...omph!" I didn't get further before Sunset punched my shoulder,

"Cut that out, wing-boy."

Rubbing my shoulder, I stuck my tongue out at her before I looked at the squishy toys, "...Did they have one of Luna?"

"I asked, they were out," Sunny said, "Statue felt like it was more you anyway."

"True. I do prefer to cuddle the real deal anyway," I admitted.

Before any of us were able to say anything else, there was a knock on the door and when prompted, a griffon entered with a bow, "Lord Page. His Royal Highness would wish to see you in the throneroom as soon as is convenient."

Translation: Get your tail down here, pony, I wanna talk with you!

"Of course."


I entered the throneroom, King Darkfeathers wasn't on the throne, instead he was standing to the side, looking at one of the statues.

"Your highness," I said as I approached.

"Lord Page," he said, "Do you know who this is?"

"I'm afraid not."

He nodded, "Can't say I'm surprised, wouldn't expect you to be an expert on Griffon history. This is an ancestor of mine, Sergetal. He was the Griffon ruler some fifteen hundred years ago."

I moved up next to him and looked up at the regal looking griffon. He was wearing armour and had his hand on a spear planted in the ground.

Darkfeathers paused for a second before he continued, "He would not have been in the favour for the suggested deal with Equestria. He lead the last war against your nation," he said before he snorted, "That went about as well as you would expect."

I wasn't quite sure what to say about that.

Shaking his head, Darkfeathers turned to me and smiled slightly, "I never said he was very smart. But in this case, I was inclined to agree with him. This deal wouldn't work, it's too expensive and too risky. Even if you ignored the crews of the ships, if we lose even one to a storm or one of the sea creatures it would wipe out a lot of the profits. Ships are expensive."

"They are," I agreed, "But things are very much negotiable."

Darkfeathers nodded, "I was against it. Until last night."

"What changed your mind?"

"A few things," he answered before he shifted his wings, "Mostly my daughter. She was excited after the hunt, she always wanted to see the world. Travel is… dangerous in our lands. Bandits and pirates, if you are to travel from Griffona, you have to pass through weeks of hostile terrain. That got me thinking and she was right. It's expensive and dangerous, but we need it, despite the risk. My people deserve to be able to travel and see the world, they deserve to have access to the goods of the rest of the world."

"They do, and you do," I agreed.

Darkfeathers turned to me, "I'm not saying it will happen, but I'm willing to entertain negotiations. I have the first suggestion for modification for you to bring back to Princess Celestia. I want twice as many ships. Then losing one wouldn't be as big of a blow."

"Makes sense for me," I agreed, "I'll pass it along."