Chapitre 4

Chapter 4

I stretched my wings and tapped the pen against the paper in thought before I relaxed again while overlooking the city.

My latest book was to be released in a couple of months and was currently off to the editor for a final check and then to the printers.

What to write next though…

Not that I had a lot of time to write for the next while, but it was nice to have something to do during what downtime I had. It was relaxing.


The sound of hooves against stone made me look away from the city to see a very welcome sight, "Sunny. Back from Ponyville?"

She nodded, "Yep, just got back, Wingboy," she said and jumped up onto the seat next to me, leaning against my side as I slipped my wing around her back, "What are you writing?"

"Not sure yet," I said and gave her a quick nuzzle before resting my horn against hers, "How's Sparky?"

Sunset smiled, "She's good, but busy like usual," she said before she frowned, "...That table in her library is bothering her though, she can't figure it out."

"Midnight said the same," I said, "But if anypony could figure it out, it would be those two."

"Yeah," Sunset agreed, tapping her horn gently against mine, "So... excited for next month?"

"...Yes and no."

Sunset shifted back a bit to look at me in question, "How do you mean?"

"Marrying Luna I'm looking forward to," I said and stroked her back with my wing, "Not only because it makes her happy either."

"Of course," Sunset said before she smirked, "It'll make you a prince!"

I glowered at her, "Don't make me push you off the couch."

That got a giggle from her, "It's kinda funny how much you dislike that."

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Don't want the responsibility."

"Yes, imagine if you had to, say, have your own guard, make rulings at court, meet diplomats and go to other countries to negotiate treati-yeaaaa!" she started to tease before it turned into a squeal as I tickled my feathers along her side.

Sunset squirmed and I grinned, pouncing to pin her down against the couch, tickling along her sides with my wings until she managed to squirm out and down onto the floor.

"Are we going to behave?" I asked as I smiled down at her over the edge of the couch.

She glared up at me as she struggled to get her breath back, "Y-you suck."

I grinned, "Well, you're the expert."

"Wha-" she started to ask before she turned a bit red, "...Shut up."

I win!

Sunset stuck her tongue out at me and then moved back onto the couch, "...You're so lucky you're rich."

"Yes, I'm sure my money is why you're with me," I agreed, "A regular gold digger."

"Well, as long as it's clear," she said and cuddled close, resting her head against my neck, "...So, what were you not looking forward to with the wedding?"

"...The actual wedding part," I sighed and pulled her tight with my wing, "It's going to be a massive spectacle and you know how much I enjoy those."

"Mmmm," Sunset agreed, "Royal wedding though, not sure if it's avoidable really. Princess Cadence's wedding was and she was barely in the public eye at all before then. This is Luna and you, of course it's going to be big."

I nodded, "Yeah, I know," I admitted and touched my horn tip to hers as she shifted to raise her head, "Not arguing that, unless we sneak away to Las Pegasus under illusion, no way it would happen without turning massive. Doesn't mean I actually like it."

Sunset mmmed, "Just a month and it'll be over."

"Yeah," I agreed, "Well worth it. Of course, You'll find out how it is eventually."

"Oh?" she asked and fluttered her eyelashes at me, "Shouldn't you finish one wedding before planning the next?"

I tapped my horn softly against hers, "Maybe. But in this instance I was thinking of you and Sparky."

Her cheeks turned a bit red, "...We haven't talked about that. Taking it slow."

"Smart," I agreed and then I grinned, "and I know what to write now."


Picking the paper and pen, I started to write down the title, "How to Train Your Unico-!" and then I was rudely interrupted by said unicorn pushing me off the couch.