Chapitre 9

Chapter 9

Pincer entered the chamber, looking more than a bit frazzled. A trio of drones following behind her as she approached.

"You! You did something to me!" she snarled as soon as she got close.

"Did I?" I asked as I watched her, "Maybe it's just your age catching up to you. I mean, you do look about Chrysalis' age and she's positively ancient. Can't imagine she has more than a couple of years at most. She has a princess now, you know?"

The Queen growled at me, "Do not compare me to that weakling!"

Oh please. Chrysalis would fold you in half. Whatever else she was, she was powerful, smart and very skilled.

I smiled at her, "If you say so. You're right, there is no comparison."

Her wings buzzed as she glared at me, "What did you do to me, Pony?"

"Do? What could I possibly do? I'm stuck here with no magic," I said before I shook my head, "No… but I think I'll give you a choice instead."

She sneered, "Choice? What choice?"

"Let us go," I said with a sigh, "Let everypony go. Let Amber go with us and pull your infiltrators back. We can still have peace between us. Your drones no longer need to go hungry."

Pincer snorted, "As your pets,like the others. They will pay for their weakness."

"Or, you can go with the alternative," I continued like she hadn't spoken, "I'll bring your rule down around you. So please… don't do this."

She laughed at me, "Do your worst, Pony!"

Six words I once heard on TV. This… this seemed fitting.

I looked at her for a long moment before I turned my head to her drones, "Does she looks tired to you?"

Pincer glared at me, "You did! You did this! Enough of this!" she screamed and turned to her drones, "Drain them!!"

The drones looked at us before they looked at her but they didn't move.

She stared at them for a moment before she spoke up again, "What are you doing? Drain them!"

The closest drone to her looked up at her, "You are bad for the hive," she said and I recognized Ambrosia's voice.


The next one moved up next to her, "We are hungry."

Another couple of drones filed into the chamber. Pincer looked between them and then stomped her hoof against the ground, "I am your Queen! Do as I say and you will eat well from the Ponies!"

Ambrosia shook her head, "Only hundred and half as many of us. Even if we win, too many ponies."

Pincer looked at the growing gathering of drones, shaking her head, "No! We can win! We just need to take down the Princesses and they will fall in line!"

"We are hungry," a new drone said, "The other hive isn't hungry. They don't get hunted."

"Yes. No predators," another filled in, "no hurting."

Pincer shrieked and stomped her hoof, "No! No you will not do this!" and pointed her hoof at me, "It's him! He's doing this! I am your Queen! Listen to me!"

"We need new Queen," Ambrosia said, her wings buzzing, "You are bad for the hive."

"No! No!" Pincer said and took a step back as the drones started to approach her as more and more flooded into the chamber, "No! I am good for the hive! I have guided you! Kept you safe! I'm your Queen!"

It didn't seem to convince them and suddenly something rippled through the group and they swarmed over her like ants over a dead lizard. Pincer screamed and I quickly closed my eyes and turned my face away. I didn't want to see that.

The scream cut off but I kept my eyes closed, trying to ignore the sounds until it was completely quiet.

When I opened my eyes again, there were only three Changelings in the chamber, looking up at me.

"So what now?" I asked Ambrosia as I looked down at her.

"We need a new queen," she said and buzzed her wings, "We want love."

"I think I can help you with both of those," I told her, "What usually happens when one hive conquers another?"

"The new Queen absorb the fallen hive into her own," Ambrosia explained before she frowned up at me, "...She was right though. You did do this."

"I did," I admitted, "But if I hadn't, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia would have come to save me. They would have burned your hive and all of you to the ground. They know what happened, they know about your infiltrators already."

They buzzed their wings and looked between themselves for a second before Ambrosia looked up at me again, "...Can you take us to the other hive? We don't want to be hungry."

"Of course. But you need to release all the ponies and other creatures you are holding."

Without answering, she and another drone crawled up and started to gnaw at the resin holding me and Blue Dawn to the wall.