Chapitre 12

Chapter 12

Getting a real night's sleep that wasn't beneath a tree did a world of good. Luna was still deep asleep as I slowly woke up, finding my eyes covered by a star field and her wing across my back.

Everything was right in the world once more.

I might not be able to see, but I could feel Sunset beneath my wing so I pulled her tighter. I could feel her shift and roll over, nuzzling in beneath my chin.

Smiling, I nuzzled at her ear.

"Morning," I said softly.

"Morning," she answered, "Feel better?"

"Much," I whispered, "Move out of bed? Don't wanna wake Luna."

Sunset shook her head and cuddled closer.

...A most convincing argument, Lady Shimmer. Pulling her closer, I closed my eyes again. It didn't take long to drift back to sleep and I didn't bother with anything to do with the dream realm.

Just restful, dreamless sleep.

Next I became aware, it was… later. I had no idea how much later, but I found something was different than before.

It took me a second to figure out what, but then I realized that it was a lack of somepony beneath my wing.

Sunny was missing.

Shifting to get up, Luna shifted her wing to pull me back down, "Stay."

Smiling, I rolled over and cuddled close, "What are you doing awake?" I asked as I peeked out from beneath her mane.

"Mmmm," she agreed and nuzzled in to give me a kiss.

Smiling, I kissed back before I sighed, "What time is it?"

"Almost time to raise the moon," she said softly, "You slept a long time, My Page."

"Woke up earlier," I admitted, "Sunny convinced me to stay in bed."

"Should listen to her. We have talked a lot while you were away. Smart mare," Luna agreed and pulled me tighter, "She left a little while ago to find some food for us."

Nodding, I pulled away and then yawned as I got up, stretching while spreading my wings. My joints and back making a kind of popping sound before I collapsed again, "Oh Luna," I sighed, "I needed that. Changeling walls is hell on the back."

I looked at Luna and shook my head, "Don't frown like that, My Sky. It all went fine, we're fine. I'm safe, we're getting married in a couple of weeks."

Luna rolled onto her stomach, wings raising in annoyance, "It's not 'fine'!" she said and shook her head, "It's not. You were kidnapped by changelings and there was nothing I could do about it. I could have gone and gotten you out but you didn't want that! What if it hadn't worked, Page! You would be…"

"Dead," I said, "Or close enough for it to count," I said and moved up to give her cheek a nuzzle, "But I'm not and it didn't. And that is exactly how I felt when you were missing."

Luna flicked her ears and sighed, "...I know, I have felt it before. But My Page, I… it would be…"

"I know," I sighed and gave her a small kiss, "Why do you think I was complaining about security so much?"

"...I know," she admitted softly, "I know."

"Speaking of security," Sunset said as she pushed the door open, walking inside with a tray floating in her magic, "Guess who is getting more guards to follow him around?"

I just groaned, "Seriously? I already have two! And how would more guards have helped here? It was drugged tea and a hypnotised waitress.."

"Weeeelll…" Sunset said with a grin.

I pointed my hoof at her, "If you dare suggest we get rid of the tea, you're walking back to Canterlot."

That got a laugh from her and she handed the tray with food over to Luna's magic before she jumped onto the bed and settled down next to me, putting her horn against mine, "I wouldn't dare," she teased, "the Holy Drink must be protected at all costs."

"Damn right," I said with a grin before I frowned, " were joking about more guards, right?"

"Not a chance," Luna said and nuzzled at my ear.

Well, damn.