Chapitre 14

Chapter 14

Finding Skitter was easy, she and the changelings were holed up in the hold of the airship. Biggest obstacle was outside the door, one of the changelings and a member of the Nightguard were standing outside by the door.

"Sorry, Lord Page," the Nightguard said, "Princess Skitter requested that nopony enter."

Nodding, I looked towards the drone. He buzzed his wings for a second, "You may enter, sir."

"Thank you," I said and moved to pull the door open with my magic, sliding it open and slipping inside, closing it behind me to a sight I had not seen before.

I couldn't help but smile as I moved closer to bow, spreading my wings, "Your Highness. I hope I'm not disturbing?"

Skitter looked up at me from her spot surrounded and almost piled over by every new changeling. They were piled over her back and all of them as close to her as they could get, "Good morning, sir."

Suddenly I had close to two hundred pairs of eyes looking at me.

"You know, I'm starting to think Cuddlebugs would fit better than Changelings," I said with a smile as I sat down on the floor, looking at the pile.

Skitter smiled a bit, "They'll need to stay close for a day or two for the Joining to work. It'd go faster if I were a Queen, but I'm not one yet."

I nodded, "Going well?"

"Yes, sir. Feeling better, sir?"

"I am," I agreed, "Sleeping for sixteen hours straight helped a lot. I want to talk to you about Amber."

Skitter nodded, "She's being reassigned, sir. Love collection."

"I would rather you didn't," I told her, "Not her fault and I like her. I want to keep her on."

Skitter looked down at the deck for a second, "Not sure I can do that, sir."


She shook her head, "It's not just that, sir. It's for the Hive. Ponies are trusting us to guard one of their Royals, and no matter what you think, sir, you are one. Failing looks… bad. Bad for Changelings."

I nodded, "...Yeah, I can see that. But it wasn't her fault."

"Not sure that matters."

"Maybe," I agreed and then shook my head, "But from another point of view, not putting her back would look even worse for those that even know she is one of my bodyguards. Like she couldn't be trusted."

Skitter shifted beneath the pile of 'lings, "I don't know, sir."


Skitter rubbed her hoof against the deck and frowned before she finally nodded, "...She'll be assigned back to you."

Smiling, I bowed to her, spreading my wings, "Thank you, Princess."

"Are you really alright, sir?" she asked with a frown, "I know what overfeeding can do to a pony."

"I'm fine, I'm used to feeding you cuddlebugs," I said, "I'm more worried about the others. It took a heavy toll on Blue Dawn and she was taken with me. The others were already there. Is there anything that can be done to help them?"

Skitter shook her head, "You know what helps you when you've given too much to a changeling. Rest, water, food…"

"And time," I agreed, "Spending time with ponies you love."

"Yes. Getting them home would be better than anything else, sir," Skitter said quietly, "...I'm sorry I can't be more helpful, sir."

´"None of that," I told her and made my way carefully over to her, stepping over changelings on the way to give her a hug, "You're plenty helpful, like always."

Skitter hugged back for a second before she frowned at me as she let go, "Sir? What did you do to this swarm?"

"What I needed too. Because we both know what the alternative was and I didn't want that," I said as I looked up at her as I dropped my hooves back onto the floor, "...I just… nudged them a bit to see things my way."

Skitter nodded and gave me a small nuzzle, "I know."