Chapitre 20

Chapter 20

"Page, relax," Swift said, "Seriously, last time I saw you this nervous we had a massive magic eating centaur approaching Canterlot."

Shifting my magic along my cloak, I nodded, "I know. It's fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Stop panicking. It's fine."

He grinned, "Page. Deep breath. Then get out there."

Nodding, I ran my magic through my hair one last time before I nodded again, "Right. Yes. Okay then. Just… walk out there."

"Just walk out there."

"...Are my hooves moving?"

"They're not," He laughed and gave me a small push, "Go!"

Finally getting my hooves to move, I walked outside, giving the four guards waiting for me a nod, "Okay, let's go."

Blue Dawn smiled and nodded, "Lead the way, sir."

Taking a breath, I moved along the corridor, my guards falling into formation around me. It didn't take long until we stepped out into the bright sunlight, the clear blue sky empty of any cloud.

No twenty four hours of night. Celestia has finally decided that it would be too disruptive, it wasn't just affecting Equestria after all.

I suppose it was a bit much of an ask to be completely honest.

Blinking in the bright sunlight, I overlooked the large open area. We weren't actually at the throneroom or even the castle for this. Too small, funnily enough.

Instead we were at a massive square at the edge of the city, overlooking the lands below. The entire area were decorated and absolutely packed with ponies.

Swallowing, I made my way down the ramp. Last time I was before this many ponies, it was to announce that I was an Alicorn.

...No, this was a lot more ponies and foreign dignitaries. Forcing a relaxed smile, I moved along.

Thousands of eyes on me as I approached Celestia slowly where she was standing on the raised floor for everyone to see.

Climbing up the short ramp, I gave Twilight, Midnight and Cadence a smile where they were waiting at the foot of it along with Shining Armour. The rest of the Elements were there as well, in the first row.

Making my way up the ramp to Celestia, I smiled at her as well.

She smiled and then leaned in, "Looking good, Page."

"Thanks Sunshine," I answered equally quietly, "I don't look as terrified as I feel, do I?"

Celestia shook her head a bit, "No. But relax, Page. You'll do fine. The moment you see my sister, you'll forget everything else, I promise."

"...You have done this before, haven't you?"

"Which part? Marrying two ponies or marrying period?"

"Yes," I said and kept my eyes firmly at Celestia, trying to ignore the thousands of ponies watching us.

"Both," She admitted, "Even if the second one is… quite a bit ago," before she looked behind me and motioned a bit with her muzzle.

Turning to look, I just froze at the sight. Luna was at the other end of the aisle. She looked.. Wow. It was the most amazing sight I'd ever seen.

Luna in that bright white dress, shining in the sunlight, the light glittering in her star filled mane in a way I had never seen before.

She looked like the goddess she was. Every single stallion here and a good portion of the mares must be envious right about now and I really couldn't blame any of them.


I couldn't do anything but watch as she slowly approached. Amazing. I was the luckiest pony in the world and all I needed to do was not fuck this up, and then we're away for a couple of weeks away from everypony else.

My Luna. My Sky.

Suddenly everything became a shade darker and I looked up in surprise as the quickly gathering pitch black clouds covering the sky from behind the mountain.

What in the world… the sky was supposed to be clear. There were no clouds planned for today.

A loud deep horn echoed through the air and a large airship lowered itself out of the clouds, quickly approaching the square.

Looking at Celestia, I met her eyes for a second before I turned to Blue Dawn which were standing by the foot of the ramp up to the stage, "Alert the guard," I told her over the sound of surprised and nervous ponies, "Be ready to move."

She quickly saluted and galloped off, taking wing after only a couple of steps.

Turning back to the airship I watched it start to lower I had a bad feeling about this and whoever was in that thing were in for a world of hurt for ruining this for Luna.