Chapitre 24

Chapter 24

The war room was filled with generals, royals and myself. I did my best to stay on my hooves, that spell with Luna seemed to have taken more out of me than I thought at first.

...That, or it might be adrenal fatigue. Even so, I did my absolute best to look un-bothered as I stayed standing next to Luna by the stable overlooking a map over Canterlot, the sites from the crashed airships marked out by small and hastily transformed stones into rough airship shapes.

Think Twilight made those.

Sparks was next to Celestia on the other side of the table, Midnight standing on Celestia's other side. Across from Sparkle was Sunset and if I knew her, despite the way she looked, she was feeling about the same thing I was right now.

Shining Armor was missing. He was in the infirmary, having gotten a hard blow by one of the attackers.

I just wanted to go back to the tower and crawl beneath the blankets with her and Luna. I strongly suspected Sunset wanted the same, but perhaps substitute Luna with Sparks.

"We can not let this attack be unanswered!" General Steel Bow exclaimed, slamming his hoof onto the table, "This Storm King will have to pay for his crimes!"

"And he will," Celestia agreed, "But we don't know where they are from. The prisoners are still asleep and have not yet been interrogated."

The general turned to Luna and myself, "Lord Page, would you be able to gather the information we need from their dreams?"

"Perhaps," I agreed, "But dream walking is not an exact science," before I looked up at Luna, "I can try if you want?"

She nodded, "Be careful, Page."

"Always," I said with a wink before heading towards the door only to find myself met on the way by Sunset after she gave Sparks a quick nuzzle.

"I'm coming with you," she said as we exited the chamber, passing the ten guards outside the doors.

"Not sure I can do that," I admitted, "Bringing someone along into a dream is difficult at the best of times."

"Not that. But you need somebody to watch your back while you're asleep."

I nodded, "...Thanks. But shouldn't you be in the war room?"

Sunset shook her head, "Twi is worried about Cadence and her brother and I would like to be there for her, but if anyone can figure out how to break the spell, it's her. Besides, I'm not much use in there other than as moral support. You need somepony to watch your back in case something happens."

I just nodded again, knowing better than to argue, "Okay.

I didn't bother heading for the tower, instead moving to one of the sitting rooms overlooking one of the internal courtyards. Jumping onto the couch, I settled down, "See you in a bit?"

Sunset nodded and laid down next to me, her side against mine, "Be careful."

Smiling a bit at her, I touched my horn gently against hers before I settled down, closing my eyes and drifting into the dream realm.

The sparkling realm of dreams all around me felt comfortable and I took a long moment to simply breathe and relax.

This place was mine. Mine and Luna's. Nopony could touch us here. I really didn't want to go into the mind of Tempest, today had been fucked enough without trying to wrestle the dreams of a dangerous magic stealing conqueror.

Today was meant to be a good day. Marry Luna and then leave for a bit, just have time for us. But instead… this.

Fuck Tempest, fuck the Storm King, and fucking fuck everything.


Opening my eyes again, I stretched my wings as I got up. Tempest Shadow. The Dream Realm responded to my will and rearranged to reveal the dark and stormy silver of her dream portal.

Nightmare. Not surprising after what happened. Not Nightmares though, even if bad dreams tend to attract them. No, this was just a bad dream, if a rather severe one.

Not surprising at all. But there was something else there.

Without entering the portal, I slowly rounded it. It didn't feel like it was a new dream, but one worn down into her mind over time. Perhaps triggered by today's events?


Fuck it. Touching my horn against the dream, I stepped into the whirling dark and silvery portal