Chapitre 28

hapter 28

For some reason, this go around I was much less nervous about the entire thing. I wasn't sure if it was the lack of crowds or that the entire invasion things putting things into perspective.

But I felt… good.

Entering the throneroom, I found myself seeing more ponies than I had expected. A bunch of guards, but Skitter was also there, as well as Swift and a tired looking Cloud. The Elements had also gathered.

Amber buzzed down next to me, "Gave a patrolling changeling a message, sir," she said, "I knew there were some ponies you would like here, sir."

I smiled at her, "You're the best, Amber."

She made a small sound with her wings and then buzzed over to Skitter.

That's when I spotted Luna as she and Celestia entered. I'm not sure what she had done, she wasn't wearing anything especially, just her normal regalia, but somehow she looked even more amazing than normal.

It was almost like her colours were sharper or her star filled mane brighter. I couldn't put my hoof on what it was, but whatever it was, it took my breath away.

Sunset gave my shoulder a small push, "Page!"


She grinned at me and lit her horn, adjusting my cloak, "Go!"


I quickly moved up towards the throne where Luna were waiting with Celestia. Wow. She was… wow…

Luna smiled down at me, shifting her wings a bit, "More ponies than I expected," she said quietly, "How did you manage that?"

"Changelings," I whispered back, unable to take my eyes off her, "Amber passed the word and they fixed the rest."

"Are you two sure of this?" Celestia asked softly, "I know you wanted a large wedding, sister."

"I had that," Luna answered, "But what I want more than that is to marry Page. And I'm not letting an invasion stand in our way."

I just nodded in agreement, "Yeah, buck them. We had plans."

"But perhaps make things a bit shorter?" Luna continued, giving my ear a small nuzzle, "Ponies are tired. It has been a very long day and tomorrow won't be shorter."

Celestia nodded and stepped back. Luna and I moved into position before Celestia raised her voice,

"My Ponies, today, despite the earlie-"

"Sister," Luna said softly, causing Celestia to trail off, "Shorter?"

Celestia smiled a bit and then nodded, "Very well, Luna, if you are sure," she said before she continued louder again, "My little ponies, we have gathered here tonight to-"

"Sister?" Luna said, giving Celestia a look, "We were all in a battle six hours ago."

Sunshine sighed softly and shook her head, "Well, excuse me if I want to bring some kind of class to this," she muttered softly to only we could hear her before she spoke up again, loud enough for everyone to hear, "Very well, sister. We'll make things simpler," before she turned to Luna,

"Do you take Lord Blank Page as your husband?"

Luna eyed me and then nodded with a smile, "I do."

Celestia turned to me, "Lord Blank Page, do you take Princess Luna, titles cut for time," she said, almost bringing Luna to giggles, "as your wife?"

I smiled and nodded, "I do."

"I pronounce you wife and husband, Princess Luna and Prince Blank Page!" Celestia said loudly and motioned towards us."Now kiss."

That almost sent Luna into giggles again and I grinned, following Celestias command and moved close to kiss Luna, raising my wings to the cheers and hoof stomping from the gathered ponies.

If being called Prince was the price for this, it was well, well worth it.