Chapitre 53

Chapter 53

I slowly folded and unfolded my wings. They were covered with an illusion of course, but I could still feel them and the air across them.

They felt a bit strange still. I glanced back at my right one as I spread it wide before folding it against my side again.

At anytime I could tell Discord to go fuck himself, to turn me back… and then Tempest Shadow would lose her horn again.

Taking a deep breath, I folded my wings again, squinting slightly against the bright morning light. It could have been a lot worse. It wasn't all bad, not at all… my night vision was better for one thing. My hearing too.

But still.

If ponies knew… It was bad enough that I was an alicorn. If they knew this, I wasn't sure what the reaction would be. I suspected nothing good would come from it.

They already knew alicorns. But batponies, real batponies, was a thing of myth and legends and nothing nice.

Fluttershy was the only real one I knew about. They were Rare with capital R, very rare.

Discord knew exactly how much I liked standing out and drawing attention to myself.

The bastard.

"Are you doing okay, sir?" Skitter asked as she moved up next to me.

I blinked at her in surprise before I smiled a bit and bowed for her, "I'm fine, you're highness," I answered, "I assume you know what happened?"

I think we were lucky not to have Amber do a dynamic entry at Discords stupid face when he did his thing.

An annoyed buzz erupted from her wings for a second as an answer and she nodded, "I do, sir."

Sighing, I spotted the airship in the distance before I turned to look at her, "Do I taste like I'm doing badly?"

Skitter licked her lips a little, "...No," she finally admitted softly, "not… exactly. But not like usual either."

I frowned at her, "Oh?"

She shifted a bit, "Not bad. Just slightly different. You taste…. Hungry."

"...I am a bit hungry," I admitted, "I could use a sna-"

Skitter was holding an apple before my nose. A big. Juicy. Sweet. Juicy. Apple. The smell hit my brain like a heavy warhammer and before I knew it, I snatched it from her hoof and buried my fangs into it, sucking it dry, the previously red round and juicy apple turning into a shrunken and shriveled husk in my hoof.

"Hungry like a changeling," Skitter said softly as I blinked before looking down at the shriveled up apple in my hoof.

I quickly glanced around and then tossed it over the edge of the tower, "Nobody saw that."

The only ponies here were Skitter and myself, if that had happened during a castle dinner or something…

...Everypony would know.

Skitter brushed her wing against mine, "Sir, that's something you are going to need to learn to control. How to deal with hunger is something all Changelings need to learn to handle. I might be able to help."

I closed my eyes and took a slow, deep breath, licking my lips and trying to ignore the feeling of the fangs. It could have been worse, I had to keep telling myself. It could have been a lot worse.

It could have been the original curse he gave me.

It could have been ponies, not fruit. I was fairly sure that if Discord had not been 'good' now, it likely would have been.

Taking another deep breath, I nodded, "Tomorrow," I said, "Tomorrow I'm leaving Canterlot for Ponyville. Lady Fluttershy may be able to help… I need to learn how to fly again and maybe she can help with that as well."

Or yell at Discord until he reversed it but left Tempest her horn.

"I wanted to wait until Luna and Celestia got back along before I leave for Fluttershy," I continued, "They trusted me to keep everything going until they got back. I couldn't just leave."

The airship was getting closer now. I could hear the wohf-wohf-wohf of the large rear propeller turning as it changed course, moving around in a circle to move in to dock with the tower we were standing on.

Skitter was quiet for a moment, "Do you think it'll help?" she then asked softly, "It's not an easy thing, dealing with hunger."

I smiled a bit at her, "I suppose I'll have to avoid fruit until then."

Or just eat a lot more of it in private, I suppose. But no, I needed to get that in hoof or it'll surprise me at a bad time. Now that would be a way to get discovered, by going nuts at the fruit display at some formal dinner.

The changeling princess frowned slightly at me before changing the subject, "After the wedding, you and Princess Luna had planned to leave for a few weeks. Are you still planning to?"

Sighing softly, I shifted my wings, "With everything that's going on, we haven't actually discussed that yet. But that would be nice. Very nice. Maybe...maybe after I fixed…" I motioned at myself with a hoof, "...This. Or at least gotten it properly in hoof."

Some time just sleeping on a beach with my nose in Luna's mane right now sounded like a very, very nice idea.

Oh Celestia, I need a vacation so, so badly. I covered for you once, it's your turn now and I'm taking Luna along with me, maybe Sunset too.

Somewhere away from ponies and everything else, including yeti and lords of bucking chaos.