Chapitre 13

Chapter 13

"I just don't know what to do about it," I admitted, rubbing my hoof against Ferns head. The timberwolf was laying next to me almost like a pile of branches, enjoying the attention.

Sunset was pressed up to my other side, cuddled up beneath my wing with her head against my neck. By the time I got back to the tower, I had been just about ready to kill somepony by defenestration. Sunset apparently recognized my mood instantly and spent the next hour calming me down to just beneath raging fury.

"I understand it didn't go well," Sunny asked and shifted to touch her horn against mine.

"It was... bad," I sighed and slid my horn against hers for a second before I shook my head, "You remember earth?"

"Yes?" Sunset asked with a frown, "Did spend some time there."

"How's your human history?" I asked and then looked at her again, "Does, minority in the 1960s sound familiar?"

Sunset cringed, "We... covered some of it in history class and such," she said and frowned, "Really?"

"Well... nopony tried to lynch me," I said mildly and raised my eyebrows, "So that's good I suppose. And nopony outright refused to let me buy their stuff. But getting a job for the day? Nope, wasn't happening."

I think somepony might have actually thrown a bottle after me when I left. I didn't see it though, just heard the crash. He might have dropped it.

"I'm sorry," Sunset said and sighed, "I had a feeling it could be bad, but still."

"Yeah. And I don't know what to do about it," I said with a frown, scraping my hood against Ferns barch, "Amber?"

"Yes, sir?" Amber asked and poked her head out from behind the closest armchair to look at us.

"...Does ponies treat changelings the same way?" I asked her with a frown.

Amber actually hesitated, "...Some are hesitant or angry if we are in our real forms," she admitted, "If we're as disguised we're not persecuted… well, usually not. We're not allowed to fully disguise in public."

"Because they don't realize you're a changeling."

"I don't know, sir."

I growled and bared my fangs.

That's just stupid. Changelings were our allies now! Had been for years! Sure, they had invaded Canterlot, but that was years ago now and ponies had to be used to Changelings by now. They didn't even have the excuse of being unused to bat ponies!

Sunset nuzzled at my neck and I sighed, pulling her closer with my wing, turning my head to nuzzle at her ear,

"I haven't seen you this angry since Tirek," she said quietly.

"I haven't been this angry since Tirek," I snarled softly and flicked my ears, my wings raising, "Nor as disappointed in ponies. I thought I left this kind of shit behind with my old species!"

Sunset nuzzled in beneath my chin, "Calm, Page. For me? Please?" she said softly.

I closed my eyes and took slow, deep breaths. She was right. While fear was the mind-killer, burning red fury was even worse at making you not think. While throwing ponies out of windows might make me feel better, it wouldn't be very constructive to the problem at hoof.

"...Thanks," I finally said and opened my eyes, looking to Sunset, "I'm sorry, Sunny."

She smiled a bit at me, "Don't worry about it, wingboy. I know it's infuriating, it's making me angry too, just hearing about it from you."

Stroking my wing along her back, I nodded, "Yeah, but I still shouldn't be taking it out on you. I'm sorry, none of it is your fault. It's just frustrating and I don't know what I can possibly do to fix it!"

Sunset rolled onto her back and looked up at me, "No ideas?"

"...None right now that doesn't involve ponies and windows," I grumbled and sighed, laying down to rest my head against her chest as she put her forelegs around me, "But I have to do something. I don't know how many thestrals there are, but I know of at least four and even one pony being treated like this is..."

I growled again and Sunset nuzzled at my ear and I settled down again, closing my eyes, trying my best not to hiss.

"We'll figure something out," Sunny said gently, nuzzling at my ear, "I promise we'll figure something out. I'll ask Twi for help, she'll be able to think of something."

If anyone could, it would be the Princess of Friendship, wouldn't it?

I nodded against her soft coat, "Okay," as Fern set his head down across my back and I reached to rub his back with my wing.