Chapitre 15

Chapter 15

'Most of you have read about me or heard about me. Some of you have read my books. My name is Blank Page and I need your help. Ponies are united in Equestria, Unicorns, Earth Ponies and Pegasi living in harmony under the protection of the Princesses, but they aren't the only ponies that exist. There is a fourth tribe. I am speaking about Thestrals, or as most call them, bat ponies.

I am part thestral myself. Where the princesses take on the aspect of a pegasus, I instead have that of a thestral. I am now reaching out to all the thestrals in Equestria, I want you to contact me. Send me a letter. You don't need to say where you are from or even your real name, I just want to hear from you, every one of you. I want to hear about your lives, your experiences. I know your lives are difficult and I want to help, but to do that, I need to know how I can help.

Some ponies have horns. Some have wings. Some are strong. Some see in the dark. All are ponies and it is important that you all remember that, no matter what. But that's not limited to ponies either, Equestria hosts a great number of other creatures, not just ponies, griffons, zebras, changelings and minotaurs as well as many others also live here. All which deserve your respect and the right to walk the streets without fear or shame.

The fact is, that some can't.

And that is against everything Equestria has stood for since the unification. Since the defeat of the Wendigos.

There are great dangers in this world, forces that might threaten us and the strongest ones are inside us. Every word said in spite, every glance of maliciousness, every action to hurt somepony... some creature... all of them cut both ways.

To hurt somepony else is to hurt yourself.

So I have only this to say to everypony that reads this: Be good to each other, have a good Hearth's Warming and remember what it's all about.

Prince-Consort Blank Page, Alicorn of Stories and Dreams'

"What the buck is this?" Sunset asked and dropped the newspaper on me.

"Not so loud," I groaned and rolled over. Luna barely stirred next to me at the movement, her wings relaxed against the bed, her mane slowly drifting around her, a dome of yellow magic covered her, presumably to not wake her while also allowing Sunset to yell at me freely.

That's good.

Shaking my head, I struggled up to sit, rubbing my eyes with a hoof as I blinked against the morning light. The way too early morning light leaking in through cracks of the curtain. Suppressing a yawn, I blinked down at the newspaper by my hooves, "That," I said and stretched my wings before jumping off the bed, "Is the open letter to the nation I sent to every major newspaper last night."

Sunset stared at me for a long second before rubbing her forehead with a hoof, "Page... was that really a good idea?"

"Yes," I told her and blinked, trying to keep my eyes open, "I mean, not my best piece of writing ever, but I hope it gets the idea across."

Sunset sighed and moved up to me, touching her horn to mine, "Page, that's not..." she started before she stopped and started over, "Don't you think that's risky?"

"Telling people to be good to each other?" I asked and smirked at her, "Dangerous, I know, but I don't expect to be crucified for it, if that's what you're asking."

She blinked at me, "Wha-" before she facehooved, "...So not what I meant. The thing about batponies."

"What about it?"

Sunset shifted around and lifted the paper up so I could see it, "The fact that they have been able to keep hidden so well has been a good thing for them. Even if they aren't exactly pointed out by this, it will make ponies more aware that they are-"

"Good," I said with a nod, looking to her, "The only way ponies will ever get used to seeing them is if they are actually seen. Ignorance is the bullshit that bigotry and fear thrives in, Sunset."

She hesitated slightly before she nodded, "...You're right," she admitted quietly, "I'm just worried... what if you're wrong?"

I had worried about the same thing before I sent the letters out to be published. But it needed to be done, I don't know how many thestrals there really were, but I had met two and knew of two more. Four were already too many that had to hide who they really were.

"I know," I told her and touched my horn to hers again, "But it had to be done, and it's the only way to get at least some idea about the population data," I admitted, "...You can't filter bat ponies from pegasi in the dreams, I tried. At least I didn't find a way to do it yet. Even if only ten percent actually mail in, at least it gives me some idea. If I get two answers, there likely isn't very many. But if I get a hundred, there might be thousands in total."

"...Will give us at least some idea," Sunset agreed and flicked her ears, "...Sorry for waking you." she apologized and then gave me a small nuzzle.

I nuzzled back and then suppressed a small yawn, "It's fine. Well, I'm up, so might as well get going. Any answer from Sparky yet?"

"Not yet."