Chapitre 19

Chapter 19

The party was in full swing and I was already tired.

Because of strange sleep patterns I had just not slept because we would leave Canterlot just like four hours later than I usually go to bed, so I just went "buck it" and stayed up reading instead.

In retrospect, might not have been the best idea in the world.

On the bright side, it wouldn't ruin my sleep pattern and a small nap like that would only make me more tired.

On the other hoof, fuuuuck.

Because of course there was a party, it was Ponyville and somepony was doing something, which meant Pinkie Pie knew about it, which meant party. A large banner was stretched across the library 'Goodbye Midnight and Spike!' written across it.

The library was packed to say the least. Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Midnight, Sunset, the Elements and a dozen other ponies I didn't know. The large stone table in the middle and the shelves didn't exactly help.

It was warm, it was loud and I would almost rather go outside into the biting cold snow, just to cool off a little. Maybe for a little bit.

I don't like parties. At most, I tolerate them. Okay, they aren't that bad when I know ponies there, but I never found them actually fun. Especially something like this because when this one was over, Twilight and Midnight would cast the spell and then Midnight would leave for home with her Spike.

Then I'll lose a friend. Sure, we weren't that close, she was always too busy doing research, but we had spent some time together and I will miss her.

At the same time I was happy for her, she'd get to go home to her world, to her friends again. She had worked for that for over a year now and finally gotten it right.

"Here," Sunset said as she moved up next to me, a glass floating in her magic.

"Thanks," I said and gave her a small nuzzle before sipping the cool drink, "How's the party?"

"Pinkie Party. Which always means that it's going to be a good one," Sunset said and then looked to me, "How are you doing?"

"Tired, it's early," I admitted, "And not really a party kind of pony. And as much as I'm glad she found a way back home, I am sad we'll never see her again."

Sunset nodded, "...Yeah, I know how you mean."

"Did you get that letter to the other you done?" I asked, sipping my drink again.

Sunset nodded, "Yep. Hope she listens to it, I think it will make her happy if she does."

"...You told her to ask Midnight out?"

"Maaaybe," Sunset said with a grin, "What, it worked out great for me!"

"True that," I agreed, "...And I may have sent a letter to her Luna too in the package of books to Midnight."

Sunset nodded and gave me a small nuzzle, "I'm going to go talk to Midnight."

I nodded, "I'll talk to her when things have calmed down a little."

Sunset moved off, shifting course and rounding the table on the other side from Celestia rather than brush past her. She was still pissed at her then. I don't know if I should talk to her about it or let them work it out themselves, but It couldn't keep going like that forever. After Sunset and Celestia made up after Sunset came back to Equestria, it had been good for both of them. Sunset being angry with Sunshine wasn't good for either of them and I know I hurt them.

Sunset blaming Celestia was hurting both of them. Almost as much as Celestia blaming herself. I just hated seeing it.

Celestia pretended not to notice as she kept talking with Twilight. But I caught her looking at Sunset before turning back to her conversation.

But you know what? No. I'm staying out of it and they can damn well solve it themselves. As much as I hate seeing it, they are both adults and I have too much on my plate already!

Speaking of which...

I looked around and quickly found the corner with Fluttershy in it. Sipping my drink, I moved around the library, moving past ponies and rounding the big stone table as I made my way over to her, "Hey. Having fun?"

Fluttershy twitched slightly and looked at me in surprise before she nodded with a small smile, "Y-yeah."

"Not much for parties either," I admitted to her, "Just wanted to thank you again for the flying lessons," I said, keeping my voice low, "It helped me a lot. If I tried to do that on my own, I likely still wouldn't have figured it out."

"That's a-alright," she said and smiled slightly, "It was fun."

"And painful," I agreed with a smile of my own, "But fun."

"...I didn't send you a letter. W-when you asked. In the paper. I-I didn't know if I should have," she said quietly, glancing around slightly in case anypony got close enough to overhear.

"I know," I told her quietly and shook my head, "Don't worry about it, it was mostly to see how many would. I'm trying to figure out how many of us there are."

She nodded and then looked to me curiously, "How... how many have..."

"Over eighty so far."

Her jaw dropped slightly in surprise.