Chapitre 31

Chapter 31

Moving through the entrance of the Hive, shaking the snow off my cloak, "So… where is she?" I asked, looking to Thorax.

"The Queen and Princess is waiting in the throneroom, sir," he said, "Would you like me to escort you?"

"Thank you," I told him.

Not like I didn't know the way by now, but he had his task from his Queen. I moved to follow him, shifting my wings beneath the cloak.

Chrysalis had summoned me when I woke up this morning. It better be fucking important, but it very likely was if Skitter was there as well.

The throneroom was like I remembered it. Throne, big containers of love… gel. Chrysalis were lounging on the throne like usual while Skitter was sitting on the short and flat stairs heading up to the throne.

What was really rare though was that they weren't glaring at each other. Instead both of them turned to look at me as I entered.

I froze for a split second before I continued. It just can't be a good thing if they aren't fighting about something.

I gave them a small bow, spreading my wings, "Queen Chrysalis, Princess Skitter."

Skitter looked like she was about to say something before she closed her mouth again. Chrysalis instead moved off the throne, heading down the steps, "Page," she said, "I have decided to contact one of the other hives."

I blinked at her in surprise, "You did?"

Chrysalis nodded as she stopped before me, "I have. The one in the Griffon territory."

Skitter spoke up from where she was waiting, "if you can point out where it is."

I shifted my wings before I sighed, "Yeah, I know where it is. I'll get a map drawn up. Mind I can only give the general area of where most Changelings are, not the actual position of the entrance of the hive."

"You will go with them," Chrysalis said as she looked down to me, "To ensure that it's clear that the effort is supported by the ponies."

I slowly started to nod as she spoke before I answered, "No."

Whatever she had expected, that wasn't that, "...What?"

"No," I said again, looking up at her, "I have way too much to do already to go galloping off to the griffons to play diplomacy with another hive. I'm already dealing with finding a way to get thestrals accepted among ponies, improve the acceptance of Changelings, see what I can do to help Midnight get back home, keep my wife and marefriend happy, actually finish my book at some bloody point and then everything else that's happening! So no, Queen Chrysalis. I'm not going to gallop off to the next continent just because you suddenly managed to pull the stick out of your arse about this!"

Chrysalis' wings buzzed in annoyance as she glared down at me, "It was your idea!"

"Yes, but your timing sucks!" I said and glared up at her, "So either you wait or you find some other way of handling it!"

Chrysalis hissed something beneath her breath before she nodded, "Very well," she finally said, moving past me, brushing her side against mine as she did, "I suppose the danger of the expedition went up significantly, I hope the dro-"

I didn't let her go any further. Lightning my horn, I slashed a bar of force towards her hooves.

She didn't expect that. She didn't expect that at all.

It hit her like a sweeping kick, her hooves going out from beneath her and she faceplanted hard onto the resin floor of the throne room.

I turned around quickly and as she rolled to get her hooves back beneath herself, I planted my hoof on her chest, pushing her back down hard against the floor, "Do not try to guilt me into going, Chrysalis. I won't stand for it and I know that you know that I care for your Changelings. And I know that you do too," I snarled to her, "I won't stand for it, especially when I know you wouldn't do that."

She looked up at me, her eyes wide in surprise before they slowly went back to normal, "...It seems like I underestimated you, Zeezzkekeezzkzk." she said. The last word being something in ancient changeling I didn't catch.

I knew a few words and a couple of phrases… well, understood them at least. A pony larynx just wasn't made to speak ancient changeling beyond certain words and my accent was according to Skitter, horrible.

But I doubt it was particularly polite from the way Skitters eyes widened.

I stepped back, putting my hoof back onto the floor, "I'm your ally, Chrysalis. Not your subordinate. I'll go with the delegation, but not now. Especially not into griffon territory, this will need to be planned and official for it to work right."

Chrysalis rolled onto her hooves and got back up, "Very well," she said with a small buzz of her wings, "Daughter?"

"...Yes, My Queen?"

"Organize it with the ponies," she said before she smirked and leaned in to whisper, "I win this time, My Little Predator," into my ear before she moved past me out of the chamber.

I blinked blankly at the throne for a second before I facehooved. I just agreed to go to the other hive when something else major fell off my plate, didn't I?

Which had been her plan the entire time as Skitter's original idea had been for the changelings to handle it on their own.

I finally dropped my hoof back onto the floor and looked at Skitter, "Sometimes I really dislike your mother, other times I'm too impressed to be even mad. That was amazing."

Skitter shifted a bit uncomfortably.