Chapitre 50

Chapter 50

The next morning the storm had dissipated and I stood with Moon Dancer, Midnight and Tempest in a small group, looking up at the ship.

"Well," I said and shifted my wings, "That could have been a lot worse."

The ship looked mostly intact, ignoring some buckles in the lower hull where it had… convinced… some trees to get out of the way. One engine nacelle was outright blown in half, but the other one looked somewhat intact. The propeller was missing which considering we went through a forest before stopping wasn't surprising, but the rest looked okay.

Even the windows of the bridge were intact.

"Could have been," Midnight said and sank down to sit, "Thank Celestia nopony died."

"Anypony get hurt?" I asked.

She nodded, "One engineer has a broken rear leg and a pegasus broke two ribs and had her wing dislocated while trying to tie the ship down," she said, "But it could have been worse. A lot worse."

I just nodded and sighed in agreement and slowly looked around the clearing around the ship. The guard was in full process of fortifying the area around the ship, using the trees cut down around the ship after the forest.

The sound of splitting trees and digging filled the air as a thick wooden barricade was being quickly erected in a circle around the ship.

As I watched, a thick tree came crashing down.

Which considering the thick jungles all around was something I approved of. Because who knew what lurked out in that thick vegetation?

I fully approved of their wariness.

What I found slightly more annoying was the way that Tempest stuck within three hooves of me at all times, her eyes constantly scanning the forest around the clearing.

I already had Amber doing that from hiding somewhere, I didn't need a third shadow!

She wasn't even a member of my Guard.

But considering the possible danger of the jungle, I didn't complain too hard about it.

I turned to Midnight, "...So… how long would it take to fix you think?"

Midnight shrugged, "Don't know yet. I talked to Sparkgap, she thinks we can get it up and running again. But we need a new propeller for the engine that's still there. We also need to fix the mana capacitor for the engines or best we'd be able to do it short hops."

"And everything else that's broken," Captain Jetstream said as he approached us, giving Midnight a slight bow, "Your Highness," he continued, "While those were the major items, we've taken more damage than that. The landing put a lot of strain on the lifting magic as well, it was not made to have power pulled from it like that. We're going to get it seen too before we're going anywhere to make sure we don't have a leak."

Midnight nodded, "We're going to be stuck here for weeks," she said and ears drooped slightly before she straightened again, "We'd better get to it then, Captain."

Jetstream grinned briefly, "I think you may be a bit pessimistic about our timeframe, your highness. I have the best engineering team in Equestria."

"And outside, considering we are in the jungle now," I mused, "We're no longer in Equestria."

He chuckled and nodded, "Right you are," he said and then looked to Midnight, "With your permission, Princess?"

Midnight motioned for him and he retreated and headed back to a group of his engineers pointing towards different parts of the ship.

I looked up at the ship for a moment, stretching my wings, "Well… we better go be useful instead of standing here like a bunch of… nobles. I'll go help build the fortifications, I can at least help with the heavy lifting or digging."

With that, I headed over towards the group of ponies sticking split thick wooden quarters of three or so pony lengths of tree trunks into the ground to form a barricade.

Moonglow was overseeing the work and I moved up to her, "So, what can I do to help?" I asked her.

She glanced at me and shook her head, "That's not necessary, sir."

"No it's not, you're doing a good job and making amazing progress," before I moved a bit closer, "But I'm feeling a bit useless here. I can't help fix the ship, but I can help with heavy lifting."

Moonglow smiled and then gave me a nod as she shifted her wings, "Very well, sir. We could use somepony to help with the splitting of the trunks. How's your cutting spells?"

"Good enough for that," I confirmed, "Tempest?"

"...I'll help lift," she said and then continued quietly, "I can't hardly break a tree while picking it up."

"Not with that attitude you can't!" I told her with a grin and Tempest actually chuckled.

I smiled and stretched my wings for a second, "Come on, let's go do something useful."