Chapitre 62

Chapter 62

I glanced back towards Amber to check that she was still keeping up.

We had left the temple as the sun rose into the sky. Amber did a good job keeping up, but changelings just weren't long distance flyers.

I had made sure we stopped twice to let her recover. We weren't in enough of a hurry that another half an hour was going to be a problem.

Having Amber push herself hard enough to fall from the sky would be. The fact that she managed as fast as she did in the first place was absolutely amazing.

But she seemed to be keeping up.

We kept close to the trees, but not too close. None of us wanted to risk anything jumping out of the trees and snatching one of us.

But neither of us especially thought that flying too high was a good idea either just in case there was anything flying that hunted these skies.

So lowish and fast was the ticket.

"There!" Dee yelled and pointed forward, "I can see the camp!"


We swept across the camp, looking down at the ponies below and the guards patrolling the perimeter, the breach in the wall had already been repaired but you could still see where the thing had broken through.

Apparently the airship had been it's next object of attention when it couldn't find any ponies to nom down on.

It had a massive rip along the side and the balloon collapsed over the superstructure, almost hiding the ship beneath the sagging, but not completely covering it, the rigidity of the supports keeping it from falling down completely.

I followed Dee, circling once around the camp before I spotted a purple pony with wings below next to a darker purple unicorn and went in for a landing.

I beat my wings hard and my hooves touched the ground with a small groan, my wings burning slightly from the long flight.

I barely managed to set down before Midnight pulled me into a tight hug.

Sighing, I hugged her back for a long moment before I let go, "Glad to see you too," I said with a smile before I cringed and rubbed my forehead next to my horn.

Getting my heartbeat up didn't seem to agitate it thankfully, but it still hurt all the time.

Midnight nodded and then frowned at me, "What's wrong?"

"Think I strained it or something when I tried to cast at the rexosaurus," I sighed, "Hurts."

"Let me have a look," Midnight said and moved closer.

"It's fine," I said and shook my head, "We have more import-"


I turned my head to look at Amber in surprise and the changeling had an expression on her face that I very much recognized from Skitter.

One that said 'behave or I'll literally tie you down and make you'.

I swallowed and then nodded, "Okay."

Midnight moved up and frowned at my horn, "Hurts when you cast magic?" she asked, touching my forehead with her hoof as I sat down.

"Almost knock me out at even a small spell," I admitted, "feels like getting a glowing red iron rod through my head. That can't be good."

Midnight frowned and touched the tip of my horn and I instantly felt my eyes tear up as I managed to choke out,

"Midnight, Midnight! Off! Off!! Off!!!"

She quickly snatched her hoof away, "Sorry!" she said with a small cringe before her own horn lit up and she ran the light across mine.

Thankfully i couldn't feel anything from it other than the constant pulsing from my own horn protesting the treatment so far.

Midnight finally nodded, "...It's a… well, the layponys term is magic overstrain, but quite a severe one. I have had it before, if a much milder version. The worse it is, the longer it lasts, but I never read about one that lasts more than a month."

"A month!?" I choked out, "It'll hurt like this for a month!?"

She shook her head, "Likely not, the actual pain will likely fade in a few days to a week. But here's the bad news," she said and frowned at me in concern, "...Any magic before it's fully healed and you'll be right back to where you started and have to start over."

No magic for a month.

"No magic for a month," I sighed.

"Or until you have an actual expert look at it and make sure it's safe," Midnight told me seriously, "we have some pain potion in the ships sickbay, it'll help."

"Maybe later," I told her, "I'll live. We have more important things than having me zonked out right now. I was thinking during the flight back here. We should leave this place and move everypony and as much equipment as we can to the temple we found."

Midnight looked at me like I was crazy.