Chapitre 99

Chapter 99

"Are you sure of this?" Luna asked softly, "There is still time to send a message to my sister."

I nodded, "I am. I hate that we have to do this, but if we can turn this into something good. Let's just go with the plan, okay?"

Luna sighed softly but gave me a small nuzzle, "You better go, it's almost time."

I nuzzled back and gave her a wink before I left the small side chamber for the corridor, heading for the throne room.

This would take some political judo, mostly from Celestia, but she thought she'd be able to squeeze through tax reforms enough to close a bunch of loopholes. Maybe even enough to pay for the invasions in a couple of years. It seems like sometimes being the diarch goddess over a country wasn't enough to force some things through when ponies dug their heels in enough.

For that, I'd lose some useless titles, especially as...

My thoughts trailed off as I entered the throne room. It was busier than usual with quite a lot of ponies watching, the great majority nobility. A pony I didn't recognize in a red cloak stood before the throne. He was a white unicorn with short black mane and a small black beard, "-and a blatant disregard for the sanctity of the titles bestowed upon him. That combined with threatening members of the nobility of Equestria during petition sessions it is strongly felt that Blank Pages suitability to represent Equestria and the Princesses is highly lacking."

Celestia was listening to him politely. She looked like she always did, a small smile on her lips as she watched from her throne, seemingly calm and attentive.

I knew her better than that. She was pissed.

Not quite 'melt the furniture' levels of pissed, but that was likely just because she knew it was coming.

"That as well as consorting and conspiring with creatures, Changelings, Griffons and...others against the values and security of Equestria," the unicorn continued, "In combination with his usage of clearly dark magic show a clear lack of good judgement and can not possible be trusted with the security of the ponies of Equestria, as shown by the number of attacks."

"I hope you don't imply I had anything to do with any of those?" I asked as I walked up to him before giving Celestia a bow, half spreading my wings.

He looked at me, "That has not yet been determined. But some things were very... convenient."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Oh really."

"You won't squirm your way out of this one," he said, lowering his voice, "you won't foil my effort to keep everypony safe again."

I blinked at him in surprise, "Again? I don't even know who you are."

He kind of twitched at that, glaring at me, "I am Chancellor Neightsay of the Equestrian Education board!"

"Well, if you're in charge of equestrian education, that explains some things," I said and then turned to look at Celestia, "Princess?"

Celestia nodded to me and then looked at Neighsay, "What exactly is it that you petition the throne to do?"

"To strip this... pony... of his lordship and his duties as herald of the two sisters," Neighsay said and looked up to Celestia, "The nobility has sufficient votes for a quorum on this, your highness. Some things can not be accepted for the security of Equestria."

Celestia frowned slightly, "And the specific charges?"

"The use of dark magic, threats to nobleponies, consorting with the enemies of equestria and of being in general of bad judgement."

Celestia nodded slightly and looked to me, "And your answer to these charges, Lord Page?"

I smiled at her before I answered, "All baseless," I told her seriously before I met Neighsays eyes, "But I'm considering giving the second one a try, sounds fun.."

He visibly bristled at that and turned to Celestia, "Your highness! You hear his blatant disregard of-"

"Oh, put a sock in it," I told him and rolled my eyes, "If I agreed to give up both titles, does that mean you stop talking? Because that would be completely worth it."

He blinked at me in surprise.

Apparently he had been expecting a much bigger fight of it.

"Are you certain of this, Lord Page?" Celestia asked as she looked at me.

I shrugged my wings, "I am. With this out of the way, I'm sure we can get all these ponies doing something more important with their time than harassing innocent ponies with baseless claims fueled by bigotry and xenophobia," I said and gave Neighsay a disgusted look before I looked out towards the gathered nobles, "You are all pathetic," I told them, "Look at yourself. Why are you here?"

There were some gasps and mumbles in the crowd, but no answers. I looked back to Neighsay again, "Do you really not have anything better to do with your time than spread misinformation and hatred for innocent beings? Do you really have so little to do with your time that you need to seek out and invent enemies in every shadow?"

He glared at me, "You can't speak to me like that!"

"Seems like I just did. What are you going to do, challenge me to a duel? Last guy that tried fell ten hooves from where you are standing now."

He glanced towards the spot where Tirek had gone boom for a second before turning back to the throne, "Princess? He has agreed to be stripped of his titles."

Celestia nodded and moved down from the throne to me, "Lord Page, you have agreed to step down from the title of Lord. Do you agree to this?"

"I do," I agreed with a nod, looking up at her, giving her a small wink on the side facing away from the crowd. She didn't react other than nodding firmly to me,

"Very well, it is done, Prince Blank Page," she said seriously, "And you have decided to step down from the position of herald of the two sisters?"

"I do, your Highness," I agreed once more, lighting my horn and slipping the medallion over to Celestia to take in her magic before I gave her an elegant bow, my wings half spread, "It has been a honor to represent yourself and my wife in the duties to the ponies of Equestria."

Celestia nodded and touched the tip of her horn to mine, "And you have done your duties well, my Prince," she said, just loud enough for everypony to hear, "As in tradition, at retirement from the position, a royal herald is allowed to make a request from the crown for a boon."

I nodded and looked up at her, "I would like land, your highness," I said seriously.

"Do you have your eye on a specific area?" Celestia asked seriously, but I could see a spark in her eyes.

"Yes, your highness," I agreed, "At the south border of Equestria there is a jungle that is currently not used by anypony. I want the land rights of the jungle."

Celestia looked thoughtful, "While larger than traditional," she started, "As it is currently not of use to anypony, I don't see why it could not be bestowed upon you to rule and work as you wish, Prince Blank Page."

Neighsay looked like he had bit into a lemon.

But I knew there was more coming.

Celestia smiled and nodded to me before she looked out over everypony gathered, "With that business completed," she said and stood up, "There is a royal proclamation I need to do."

Here we go.

"As of earlier this morning," she continued with a smile, "Equestria has a new member of the royalty," she said to the surprised gasps of the crowd, "In a private ceremony, the former Lord Blank Page agreed to take up the crown as Prince Blank Page of Equestria."

She turned and smiled at me, "Prince Page?"

"Of course, Princess Celestia," I said with a small bow, my wings half spread once more before I started to walk up to join her at the dais.

Neighsay looked slightly green.

"Chin up," I whispered to him as I walked past, "I'm sure you can have another go later. Or perhaps one of your descendants if you ever manage to breed."

Then I turned to face the gathered crowd calmly with a small smile. They were completely quiet, likely for the first time in their useless lives.

You would be able to hear a feather drop.

Fuck you all for forcing this, but we couldn't let you win.

Fuck all of you.

I smiled a bit wider, making sure to show plenty of fang