Chapitre 101

Chapter 101

I opened my eyes and raised my head, stretching and spreading my wings. I had contacted the five thestrals I knew were in Canterlot and explained the situation, to see if they wanted to volunteer.

But I understood if they didn't want to.

Getting scanned was one thing. This was… completely different.

I glanced towards the window and the moon shining brightly outside through the crystal clear and freezing cold winter night.

I looked over towards the door, there was a slight light glowing from the edges. Luna was in the outer room working on something and I was alone in bed, Sunset staying with Sparks tonight. Fern was likely still asleep where I saw him last, curled up in his basket in the other room.

It was winter so the woofspirit was very sleepy.

I felt very tired in a way that had very little to do with needing sleep. After everything that's been going on…

I needed a vacation or something. But that's not happening, is it? Buck, Luna and I never even got a real honeymoon, just a couple of days.

Rolling onto my hooves, I jumped off the bed and walked up to the window, looking out over the castle, over towards a lit window across the castle from our tower.

Celestia's private quarters, she was still awake then.

I felt responsible for a single tribe of ponies and a bunch of bugs. She had shouldered the entirety of Equestria for a thousand years and before that, she and Luna shared it.

Two ponies bringing together the most ancient singular empíre I had ever even heard of against all threats.

I… I knew my limits.

I would never have been able to do something like that, not even if I could do what Celestia or Luna could do.

I could barely handle standing next to Luna on official functions and smiling.

How did they do it?

Speaking of which…

I frowned towards the light. I had not seen Celestia in the dream realm and it's late at night. What is she even doing awake still?

It wasn't any of my business really, but…

I moved to push the door to the balcony open, stepping out in the razor sharp winter wind. I quickly wrapped myself in a warming spell.

It helped slightly, turning the ear ripping cold to just bone biting. But I better make good time on my way over there before I turn into a batsicle.

Spreading my wings, I took to the air while thoroughly wishing I could teleport half as good as Midnight or Sparks, then I could just pop over there. Maybe I could talk one of them into giving me lessons when my horn could handle it again… and they weren't busy saving an entire tribe.

I winged my way over towards the tower, working against the ice cold wind buffeting at me before landing at the balcony slightly clumsily on the ice slick stone. Getting my hooves beneath myself I moved over to the door and knocked before waiting nicely despite the cold biting at my wings and ears.

I had no intention of a repeat performance from startling her again.

There were several moments before the door opened and Celestia poked her head out before blinking in surprise, "Page!" she said, her ears flicking once in surprise, "What are you doing out here?"

"Saw your light was on," I admitted and shifted my wings, "Got curious about why you're still awake, it's well after midnight."

She smiled and shook her head, "Come in," she said and quickly ushered me inside, "You look like you're about to freeze solid."

"That's only because I am," I admitted and shook my head as the warmth of the roaring fire in the fireplace hit me and I spread my wings a bit to catch more of it, "Sorry for bothering you."

"It's never a bother," Celestia said and spread one wing to put against mine and I could feel her warmth against them, "I was just reading."

"...Then I really am sorry for bothering you," I said and gave her a smile, "You get too little free time as is."

She folded her wing again and gave me a quick hug, "And I told you, it's never a bother, Page," before she let go, "Now, you look like you could use a cup of tea."

"Thanks," I said and jumped onto one of the comfy chairs, looking around her room as I laid down sideways across it as I enjoyed the warmth from her fireplace. I always liked how she decorated her private rooms, it felt… open and inviting. It was less cluttered than mine and Luna's and with less bookshelves. Instead Sunshine went for more wall hangings and comfortable furniture.

I floated another couple of small logs into the large fireplace and then took the teacup as she floated it over to me, "Thanks," I said and took a sip before I blinked at it, "...Hey, I know that blend."

"It is yours," Celestia said with a smile, "The spices make it rather perfect to winter nights. After you introduced it to me, I sent for a supply from the teahouse you like."

I grinned and nodded, "Well, I hope Silver has a 'Royal Supplier' sign up or something, she deserves it. But then again, she doesn't need the publicity, the place is always packed."

"Well deserved, I would say," Celestia agreed and sipped her tea and settled down on her couch again by her book.

"So what are you reading?"

Celestia pushed the book beneath a pillow, "Oh, nothing interesting."

"Ah, trashy romance novel," I said with a grin.

Celestia smirked at me, "Less romance, more trashy," she said, "Why, want to read it with me?"

Oh, is that the game now, huh? Well, I'm not backing down this time, Princess.

"Sure, why not," I said and jumped off the chair and rounded the small table to jump onto the couch next to her, putting my cup down on the table as I looked up at her challenge.

"Very well," she said and pulled the book out, "Why don't we take turns reading? You first," she said innocently and opened it at her bookmark.

I eyed her and then turned to the book, "Starstreak looked up at him as he moved closer to her, her breath catching in her throat as he-"


Oh this was a mistake.

"Well?" Celestia asked with an innocent smile as she looked at me, her wing gently brushing my back.

I cleared my throat, "M-maybe I should leave you to read this on your own," I said and closed the book again.

"Are you blushing? Is it a bit raunchy for you?" she teased, brushing her wing across my back.

"No!" I said firmly and shook my head, "I am definitely not blushing, It's just not very good. I thought you had a better taste in books, that's all."

Celestia smirked, "And you think you could do better?"

"Of course I can, I have how many best sellers now? Writing something better than that would be easy," I said, quickly latching on to that thread of conversation instead.

"I bet you can't," she countered with a teasing grin.

"You're on."


...Wait a second…