Chapitre 110

Chapter 110

The fireplace crackled away, burning warmly at one wall and a snowstorm howled outside. Luckily temperature has been slowly climbing for the last couple of days, but I was still thankful to be inside.

I rested lightly against Luna's side, my head against her shoulder as I held a notepad in my magic as I scribbled away in it as she worked on her own paperwork.

The door opened and Sunset walked inside, shaking her cloak slightly. I looked up to her and smiled, "Hey… thought you were staying with Sparks tonight."

Sunset flicked her ears, "So did I. Turns out the Sparkle Twins are going to be busy all night again," she said, sounding slightly annoyed before crossing over to jump up on the couch next to me, squeezing in and resting her head against my side.

"Ah… Sorry," I said with a small frown and put my wing around her as I closed my notebook, "That's my fault."

"Them being unable to put a problem down isn't your fault," Sunset said and sighed, "So I figured I'd stay with you two tonight if that's fine."

Luna smiled and turned her head to give Sunset a nuzzle, "Of course it's fine. But when ponies get like that, I found it's better to just put your hoof down and pull them where you want them to be."

Sunset smiled slightly and nuzzled back, giving Luna a kiss on the cheek, "I have before, but the worst thing is that they are actually doing something really important. Besides, Twi get all pouty and Tempest wasn't there to distract Midnight anyway."

"Oh? They're official now?" I asked with a smile.

"Not quite, but getting there," Sunset said and smirked, "None of them is very good at sneaking about."

"There is that."

"So," Sunset asked and looked at my notebook, "What are you writing?"

"Porn for Sunshine."

Sunset stared at me for a second before rolling her eyes, "Fine, don't tell me. Keep your secrets."

"He won't tell me either," Luna said and nosed at my ear.

I grinned and shook my head, resting against her.

"Speaking of sleep though," Luna said and looked to Sunset, "It's about time you two head to bed."

I groaned but nodded. I wanted more cuddle time, but she was right, it was getting late. I then looked to her, "Think we can give it a try today?"

Luna nodded, "I'll join you in the dream realm in a couple of hours. Now go get some rest."

"Try what?" Sunset asked and jumped off the couch, letting me slip off it with her to explain on the way.

"The last couple of nights and nights I have been visiting the dreams of thestrals," I explained as we entered the bedroom, "Finding out their names and what they do. I have managed to find about four hundred and seventy ponies that would be primary candidates for the first wave of colonists. At least the numbers are looking a bit better now in total, seems like a lot have night jobs. We're close to five thousand in total."


I nodded and pulled the thick blanket away with my magic before jumping onto the bed, sinking down with a sigh, "Yeah," I said and stretched for a moment, "Plan is to try to gather all we chose into a single semi dream, projecting an image to all of them to get the message out to them to see if they want to go. We have to see how many are willing to come, but to do it they have to know about it."

Sunset watched me for a moment with a small smirk, making me blush slightly before she jumped onto the bed to join me, scooting close and letting me cover her with my wing before her horn lit and she pulled the blanket over us, "But isn't hit difficult to affect more than one dream at a time."

"Very," I said, "Luna says she very rarely uses it because of the strain and only a couple of ponies at a time," and nuzzled at her mane.

"And you pĺan to try it with four hundred ponies at once?" Sunset asked sceptically, "That seems…"

"Stupid?" I asked with a grin, "Oh yeah. But there are a few things that'll make this possible. One is that I won't try to make it a full dream, just a projection. Besides, Luna's going to help me power it. No way I'd try to do it on my own."

Sunset made a small thoughtful sound before she rolled over and nuzzled in beneath my chin with a small soft sigh before relaxing again, "We're really doing this, aren't we?" she asked softly.

"I think we are," I confirmed and pulled her softly tighter.

She nodded and sighed softly, "Okay. So I might as well make myself useful. I'll talk with Twi tomorrow whenever she and Midnight wake up and then coordinate with the Legion for the move."

"You're too good for me," I said softly, nuzzling at her ear, "Love you."

"You're so lucky you're rich," she said softly and cuddled closer, "Love you too