Chapitre 115

Chapter 115

I looked at the message Emerald Sky had delivered before she retreated away, the door closing behind her before I sighed and returned to the couch.

Two days.

"That's thirteen that have arrived," I said and made my way over to Luna, "Thirteen bat ponies, not including the ones already in Canterlot which has already confirmed they are going. Eighteen total."

She shifted on the thick blanket by the fireplace as I settled down next to her, "They will show."

"It's only two days left," I said and sank down heavily next to her, leaning my head against her shoulder, "Thirteen and there are only two days left. We're going to fail."

Luna didn't say anything, she just brushed her wing softly across my back and turned her head to nuzzle, "Even if nopony more shows up, we'll think of something else."

I sighed and nuzzled at her shoulder, "I just…. I just messed this up so badly," I said, "Such a short time… we should have planned this for like six months, not two! I should have committees to figure things out, not just try to do it with Sunny, Midnight and Sparks."

Shaking my head, I looked up at her, "And I wasted two million Bits on stuff now sitting in a warehouse doing nothing useful," I said and then frowned, "Maybe we can do something good with the food at least, maybe do-eeep!"

Luna let grow of my ear and glared down at me, "Stop that! There are still two days left and nopony but you say you can't extend the deadline!"

I flicked my ear and then nodded, "I guess," I admitted and rolled onto my back, looking up at her, "Just… looking back, I can just see so many mistakes, things I could have done better. Should we have reached out to them more than once? Done it some other way? Sent out letters, a new message in the papers…"

Luna shook her head and scooted a bit closer, slipping her wing across me as she put a hoof gently on my chest, looking down into my eyes, "Page… I don't think you did anything directly wrong. Yes, more time would have helped, but I have seen larger projects managed way worse. You delegated work to experts, got everypony pulling in the same direction."

"None of which means a thing if we don't get things to work," I said and reached up to run my hoof along her mane, "Well… it's not all bad," I admitted.

"How do you mean?"

"Well… nopony died this time," I said and frowned, "And… At least we fail at this stage and not when everypony is in the middle of the jungle and busy building. Maybe… maybe that's a better idea," I admitted and sighed softly, "Sell most of the food and use it to buy materials, license foresting right in the edge of the jungle for more income and then just start building a village closer to Canterlot. I suppose moving to the middle of nowhere would be a big ask for anypony. Won't be as nice climate for us, but… there is something to be said for being close by."

Luna smiled down at me, bumping her nose against mine, "Whatever happens, we'll help you figure it out."

"At least there is another good thing that comes from this," I admitted and reached up to pull her close, nuzzling at her mane, "I get to stay with you."

"Selfishly, I'm not unhappy about that," Luna admitted and nuzzled at my coat.

I nodded and held her close for a long moment before she shifted and look into my eyes as she spoke up again,

"But I don't think you should give up yet, My Page," she said softly, "It's still two days left and bat ponies are used to hiding. I don't think they will just reveal themselves to the first guard they spot."

"We have signs up at several spots and every entry to the city," I said with a frown, "To talk to a guard or to come to the west royal square in two days."

Luna nodded, "Some have talked to the guards and signed in, but I think many simply keep hidden like usual and then just show up. I think more will show up than you think."

I nodded, "I suppose that's true," I admitted and looked up at her, putting a hoof against her chest, "I talked with Sparks and Midnight and the absolute minimum ponies we need to cover all roles, assuming the right ponies show up… we could squeak by as few as fifty ponies to start with. Mostly with the construction and forester ponies. The unicorns we hire to cut the trees handle that and the Legion handle guard duty."

She slowly nodded, "You should be able to get to fifty."

"If they are all carpenter and forestry ponies," I sighed and shook my head, "Which is unlikely. Well… it's not all bad, with the backup plan I worked out with Sparks."

"Which is?"

"Below two hundred ponies," I said and pulled her close into a cuddle again, "If we have the right mix of professions to make it possible, we'll consider to move the planned landing spot to the temple. There are still equipment we left behind there, the defenses should still be intact and there is always the possibility of retreating inside if there is a danger. Use it as a scouting base for a perfect place to build."

"Why not always have that be the plan?" Luna asked, resting her head against my chest.

"Too small," I said and shrugged my wings, "Can't squeeze more than two hundred in there in an emergency. Would help, but unless everypony can get inside when there is a danger, the place is just too far into the jungle to be worth it in terms of hauling supplies in," I explained and nuzzled at her ear, "...Besides, that far in there are big things with teeth. Sparks and Midnight are certain they stay away from the edge of the jungle. But hey, with half as many ponies, supplies will last twice as long. With more ponies, we'd scout from the railroad for a place."

Luna nodded and then shifted up to kiss me and we were done with the talking for the night.

It almost managed to distract me enough to get me to sleep.
