Chapitre 5

Chapter 5

Rain poured down outside as I looked out the open window into the darkness, slight lights from the city below were still visible, but the wall of rain obscured most of it.

There was something said for the weather of Nocturnis. Rain was intense but didn't last long… at least during this time of the year.

The rainy season was different as we discovered during the first spring and early summer. Instead of thirty minute rainstorms a couple of times a day, it was thirty minute breaks in the rainstorms that otherwise lasted for weeks.

It had been a good thing we built in the massive trees then or we might have needed boats.

The guy that suggested we build up here instead of on the ground with more defenses got a big raise for his suggestion, let me tell you that much.

Something roared fair in the distance. Didn't sound like a Rexosaurus, but still big. Maybe one of those herbivores?

Flicking one ear, I turned back to my desk and picked up the next paper on my desk with my magic, a candle flickering next to me on my desk to make it easier to read.

Nightvision or not, some stuff even we needed a bit more light for when inside during a rainstorm in the middle of the night.

It's not magic. Needed at least some light for it to work.

A light moved into the room and I looked up, "Hey Sunny."

"Hey," Sunset answered, her horn glowing as she crossed the room to lean against my side, "You done soon?"

"Mmm," I agreed and touched my horn to hers as I draped my wing across her back, "You?"

Sunset nodded, "Yep," she agreed and then stretched slightly before resting her head against my shoulder, "Went out with a scout team today."

"Oh?" I asked and looked at her, "Did you see the newcomers?"

Sunset nodded, "The herbivores? Yeah, massive things. Like big turtles almost with really long necks. They're absolutely massive with big shells, the ground shakes as they walk. Way bigger than even a Rexosaurus."

I hmmed, "Wonder what they taste like."

Sunset rolled her eyes and poked my side before she pulled back, "Twi still at their lab?"

"Last I saw them," I agreed with a nod, "But that was like… four hours ago, so likely yes?"

Sunset moved over to one of my shelves to pour us a drink each before she returned, "They spend so much time in there, even ignoring the time they spend decursing thestrals daily."

"Sunny, they are happy as a clam doing that."

She shook her head, "It's not good for either of them. I try with Twi and I know Tempest does her best with Midnight, but she has her own troubles and…" she said and set the glass down by me before she sighed, "I don't know."

I sipped the drink and looked at her, "I know. I try to as well, but she seems okay."

"She misses her friends," Sunset said with a small frown, "Only Fluttershy is here. It's difficult for her. She tries to hide it, but… I can tell. She's the princess of friendship for Celestia's sake!"

"I know."

Not like I could avoid seeing it myself.

Sunset finished her glass and rounded the desk again, moving to give me a small nuzzle, "And you miss Luna."

"I see her almost every day."

"But it's not the same."

I closed my eyes and sighed, nuzzling back and then giving her a small kiss, "...It's not," I admitted, "It's not the same. But it's not forever and I need to be here."

She sighed softly, "I miss her too."

"I know," I admitted and held her close as she rested her head against my neck, "There is a bit still until Hearth's Warming. I was thinking…. Maybe we could go visit Canterlot? Invite Twi and Midnight along too? And Tempest of course."

Sunset flicked one ear and was silent for a long moment before she sighed and shook her head as she pulled back to look at me, "It's just the second Hearth's Warming of Nocturnis. You have to be here for that, you know that."

That was one holiday from the rest of Equestria that had not been chopped along with Nightmare Night. I mean, who didn't like good food and giving gifts.

She was right though. Me not being here for that wouldn't exactly give the right message. Would be like a huge signal that I didn't see Nocturnis as my home. It was, but it would look like I didn't think so.

"Buuuuck," I sighed and groaned, resting my head against the top of hers, "Who's idea was it to put me in charge anyway? They should be fired."

Sunset grinned briefly and nuzzled at my chin, "Who else?"

"Well," I admitted, "I had to do something."

"I know. That's part of why I love you," she said and smiled slightly, glancing at my desk "Another couple of hours?"

I looked at the stack of papers and I sighed, "About. Should be done in time for dinner or so," I agreed, "Assuming that nopony shows up with another pile of stuff."

"Give me time to herd Twi out of the lab anyway," Sunset said and kissed my cheek, "There is that new play debuting after dawn. Want to go?"

"Love to," I said and nuzzled, "So… date or… should we invite Midnight and Tempest?"

Sunset hesitated and then shook her head, "Not today? Date night sounds nice. I want to do something with just you and Twi."

"Sounds good to me. But it's morning."

"Mor-" she started and then rolled her eyes, "I'm never getting used to that