Chapitre 15

Chapter 15


Poke. Poke.

I blearily forced my eyes open. Something was poking at my back. Carefully scooting away from a still sleeping Sunset, I rolled over to see Flower Rain with one hoof lifted, standing next to the bed.

I blinked at her sleepily before I nodded and scooted further back to roll onto my hooves, moving slowly not to wake Sparks or Sunny. Flower Rain wouldn't be waking me if it wasn't important. Especially not this early.

Moving out of the bubble of darkness into the bright sunlight, I suppressed a hiss as I shaded my eyes.

"Sorry, your majesty," Flower Rain said quietly, looking almost as sleepy as I felt, "But I was just woken up myself by one of the Day Ponies… and I thought it was important to pass on to you that the train has been spotted and should arrive in an hour or so."

I looked at her sleepily. Then I looked over towards the open balcony door and the sun high in the blue sky. It was noon, if that.

Don't fire her, she's the best assistant you have.

Don't fire her, she's the best assistant you have.

Don't fire her, she's the best assistant you have.

I turned back to her, "Somepony clearly bucked up somewhere, but why is the train arriving a couple of weeks early important enough to wake me up at noon?" I asked her calmly.

Flower Rain swallowed slightly but met my eyes, "Because the scouts reported that the train has a pair of Royal Carriages on it."

I stared at her for an embarrassingly long time as my tired brain tried to parse that sentence and come up with the implications. Slowly, every so slowly my hamster started to move and the gears started to turn, the rust slowly falling off.

"Ah," I finally said, closing my eyes for a second, "An hour, you said?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Do you think we can set up a royal welco-" I started to say before I frowned, "Actually, no. Buck that. If they want a royal welcome, they can give us more than an hour's bucking warning and at a sane hour. Get a dozen guards moving, that'll be enough."

Flower Rain nodded firmly, "Of course, my Prince. Rooms as well?"

I nodded, "Yes, but that's not as hurried. Let ponies sleep a bit longer. I could use som-"

A big cup of ice cold and almost completely black ice tea with half a dozen icecubes floating in it was presented to me by a slightly amused looking Flower Rain.

I smiled at her as I took it, "...Had a bribe ready at hoof, huh?" I asked and sniffed at the very strong black tea.

"Better safe than sorry," She admitted with a small smile and stretched her wings, "With your permission, sir, I'll get things moving."

"Go ahead, we don't have much time."

As she retreated to organize things, I took a slow deep breath, sipped my tea before putting it to the side and lit my horn, canceling the bubble of dark silence around the bed, revealing Sparks cuddling Sunset tightly.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight, but it only took a couple of seconds before the bright sunshine caused Twilight to squirm and groan, blinking her eyes open before quickly covering them with a wing,

"Nooo…" she groaned, "Page… what are you doing...!?" she protested with a whine from behind her wing and feathers.

"Up! Both of you!" I said and jumped onto the bed, laying down next to them, "We have an hour to clean up!"

Sunset opened one eye, glaring at me, "You have three seconds, Bat."

"The train is arriving in an hour and it has a pair of royal carriages on it," I said and stretched with a groan, "Figured you two wanted to know."


Then Sparks extracted herself from the tangle of legs and rolled over to sit up, rubbing her eyes with one hoof, "...Come on, Kitten, We need to shower."

Sunset groaned, "Nooo… they can wait. Too early."

Twilight seemed to have absolutely zero patience with that at the moment and Sunset was promptly surrounded with a shimmering magic field and bodily floated behind Sparks as she headed for the bathroom.

Rubbing my eyes, I glowered in the general direction at the sun and then moved to take my tea again, moving to exit the bedroom to the outer room, finding Amber already there and awake, laying sideways across one of the chairs, her forelegs hooked over the armrest. Looking way too rested for my taste.

"Good morning, sir."

I glowered sleepily at her, "Good morning, Amber," I grumbled and sipped my tea, "Do you ever sleep?"

"Of course, sir."

Was it Luna… Celestia… or even Cadence that was coming?`It sure as hell better be Cadance, or I'll be annoyed.

But I'd be too glad to see either of them for real to yell at them, damn it! At least Cadance would have the excuse that I didn't talk to them at least twice or thrice a week.

"Okay," I said, looking at Amber, "How do I look?"

Amber tilted her head slightly, regarding me for a moment before she answered, "Sleepy."

"...gee, thanks," I said and sipped my tea before putting it down and heading for the shower. Maybe some water could wake me up.

It did not