Chapitre 31

Chapter 31

Thunk thunk.

Thunk thunk.

The green passed by outside the window in a blur. My eyes slowly started to drift closed again only for a hoof to poke firmly at my ribs.

I quickly raised my head again, "I'm awake!"

"Sure you are," Sunset said, "Now stay that way. We need to stay awake during the day now."

"You're as sleepy as I am," I grumbled and leaned against her, nosing at her neck.

"Well, d'uh."

"I'm fine, I'm not tired at all," Twilight said cheerfully across from Sunset, her sixth cup of coffee floating in her magic next to her.

"You're going to regret that," Sunset told her seriously.

I nodded, "You're going to have a caffeine crash," I agreed.

"Yep," Sparks said cheerfully, "But that's when I can sleep anyway. Meanwhile, I'm not getting poked."

I eyed her with a small smirk. I'd give you a poking. Sadly, we didn't exactly have privacy here.

Twilight blinked at me and the inside of her ears turned slightly red before she returned to her book, apparently able to guess my general thoughts.

"There is that," I admitted instead and shot Sunny a look.

She gave me a sleepy look back, "If you didn't keep almost falling asleep, I wouldn't need to poke you."

I grumbled softly and shifted my wings, "...I think Sparks might have the right idea here," I admitted, "I'm getting some tea. Anypony else want some?"

"I'll get it, your majesty," Flower Rain said and jumped off the couch across from us.

"It's fine, I got it," I said and started to get up.

She shook her head, "I need to stretch my legs," she protested, "Anypony else want something?"

"I'll have a coffee, please," Sunset said, admitting defeat.

Flower Rain trotted out of the compartment as I sank back down onto the soft couch.

I could get my own damn tea at least some times, I don't need everypony doing everything for me, damn it.

Sunset gave my ear a nuzzle as she whispered, "You're their Prince. Let them treat you like it."

"Not sure I'm ever going to get used to it," I admitted and settled down, resting my head on my forehooves.

"I'm not that comfortable with it either," Sparks admitted and sipped her evil brew, "I managed to avoid it fairly well until we moved to Nocturnis, but Midnight was subjected to some of it in her old world after she got her own castle."

"It makes Ponies comfortable," Sunset said and looked between me and Sparks, "Seriously. Before everything, the reaction of anypony seeing somepony like Princess Celestia making her own tea would be one of slight horror and then quickly offering to do it for her. It's the same thing with you two."

I closed my eyes and sighed against my hooves, "We need democracy."

Sparks shook her head, "That never works above the small town level."

I blinked fully awake and lifted my head to look at her, "Excuse me, what?"

She frowned at me, "It's a well known political science fact. Democracy, while a nice idea, does not work over groups larger than a village."

I gaped at her and shook my head, "But... uhm..."

"None of the Empires or Kingdoms or Equus has that form of rule," Sparks continued and flicked one ear, "I mean, there is some at lower levels of government, like in Ponyville the Mayor was elected to her position, but anything larger than a village it doesn't work."

It took a moment before I was able to speak, "That... no. Wait, I know that places like Manehattan have a mayor! That's way bigger than Ponyville."

Sparks nodded, "The mayor of the larger cities are appointed by the crown. Their councils are usually elected from the different areas of the city, but that's as far as it goes. Imagine if everypony was elected by popular vote to their positions, all they'd worry about is to make decisions to get them elected again next time. No matter how bad they would be long term."

"I... but..." I started, "That's... that's how the human world works," I finally said, "I used to live in a democracy!"

She looked at me in surprise, "I didn't know that! That's fascinating!" she exclaimed and quickly put her cup down and dug through her pack, pulling out a notepad before looking at me again, "Can you tell me how it worked?"

"Badly," Sunset interjected, "It was like that in the human world I went to as well. It felt like every week there was some sort of political scandal."

I sighed and set my head back down onto my hooves.

Democracy is a good thing, damn it.

And if we never move to it, I'm stuck doing this forever! Now may definitely not be the time, but.. sometime, right?

"Later, Sparks," I sighed softly, "Sometime when I can put more than two thoughts together."

She pouted but nodded, putting her notebook away.

I felt my eyes starting to drift closed.


I quickly lifted my head and blinked before I rubbed my side with my wing, "...What time is it anyway?"

"Three in the afternoon," Sunset said, "At least five more hours before we can sleep."

I groaned softly. Maybe I could try to get some fresh air or something, but I have a suspicion that Moon Glow or Amber will tackle me if I get too close to an outside door while still in the jungle.

The door opened and Flower Rain returned, carrying a tray of ice tea for everypony and a pot of coffee.

Just need to stay awake for five more hours