Chapitre 53

Chapter 53

A white feathered Griffon caught up with us just outside our quarters.

He bowed slightly, "Prince Page, I am Rogar of house Talltalon. I am Lord Razorwings second. It has been almost two days, we require your answer."

I nodded, "Fine, let's get this over with," I said, "Sunset Shimmer will be my second. According to your dueling rules, I pick time and weapons, correct?"

Rogar nodded, "Indeed. But you can not pick something that Lord Razorwing can't, such as magic."

"Barehooved then. Unarmed. And tomorrow at midnight, let's get this nonsense over with."

Rogar blinked at me, "Midnight? The traditional time is Noon."

"I'm allowed to pick the time."

He nodded, "Very well. I will deliver your terms to Lord Razorwing and return with his answer to your second."

He bowed again and turned, walking off.

Twilight shot me a worried look.

I flicked one ear, "I don't like this either," I admitted with a frown.

Stupid feather cats!

I pushed the door open with my magic and walked inside, Twilight following along. Sunset looked up from reading a book on the couch as we entered,

"How did it go?" she asked as she closed the book.

"It's over."

"And the duel is tomorrow at Midnight." Twilight continued for me as she passed me, "Page named you as Second as we discussed."

Sunset nodded and stretched, "Good."

I walked up, I gave her a quick hug with my wing, "Careful, maybe I'll run off."

She grinned, "I'm sure that's your plan all along," she teased and leaned against me, "Now go practice."

"Yes boss," I agreed and let go, stretching before I smiled at her, "join me?"

Sunset shook her head, sticking her tongue out at me, "Can't, somepony made me their second so I have to stay awake to organize this entire thing."

"I'll come, a nap sounds pretty nice right now," Twilight said as she returned from the balcony and shook her head, "I wish this entire duel didn't need to happen. It seems pointless."

"I'm with you there," I agreed and moved up to her, "I can't drop it though, you heard the King about the political situation. I will try to talk him out of it before it starts though."

"Buck that," Sunset said and leaned against the backrest of the couch, "Kick his tail."

"Sunset," Twilight said with a frown.

Sunset frowned back, "What? He's not only struck our colt in the past, but threatened him too. He could use a tail kicking. I'm half a mind to do it myself if I thought there was any chance Page would step back. Buck, if Celestia had not put her hoof down at the time, I might have right then!"

"Sunset, we weren't even together at the time…" I protested.

"So? You were still my best friend."

"Come," Sparks said and touched my side with her wing, "Let's head to bed. You need to practice."

"Do I now?" I asked with a teasing grin, "Wanna help?"

Sparks blinked and then rolled her eyes, moving towards the bedroom, giving me a smack across the muzzle with her tailtip as she walked past.

I grinned, giving Sunset a quick cuddle on the way past before I followed Twilight and jumped onto the bed, stretching out before I scooted closer. Sparks wing settled across my back and she nosed in beneath my chin.

"Sleeping spell?" she said quietly.

"Mmm," I agreed and wrapped us in one, sending both of us into the dream realm.

The dream realm sparkled around me and I looked to Twilight's dream portal right next to me. Smiling, I touched my horn to it, sending it towards the nice dreams before I stretched my wings.

A soft wing settled across my back and Luna pulled me tight as she smiled at me, "You're here early."

I leaned against her, "Talks are over. They are going to cooperate to deal with the rebels… when we got back to our quarters, I was ordered to bed to practice."

"Oh really," Luna teased with a grin.

"That's what I said!" I laughed and grinned up at her, "But that's not what they meant this time."

"No practice needed," Luna teased, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Join us this time?" I asked her with a smile.

"Of course, My Page."

Yay. More Luna time!

Staying beneath her wing, I led the way to and into Tempest's dream and we found ourselves in a dusty desert. It hadn't been a nightmare, but it didn't seem very nice either.

It took a second to spot a much younger Tempest by a large rock to get some protection against the wind. She had a small fire going and a cloth put up on two sticks to try to get some cover from the drifting sand. She looked… like she was twelve or so.

"She has had a hard life," Luna said softly from next to me.

I nodded, "She has," I said quietly. Then I tapped my hoof against the sand beneath us, causing the dream to shift in a blur.

We were left on the training platform in Nocturnis, lit by torch fire and a large moon above. Tempest changed too to look like I remembered her, her horn intact.

She blinked and then got up, looking around before spotting us and flicking her ear in surprise, "Your majesty, Princess Luna," she said in greeting as she bowed.

"Hey Tempest," I said with a smile, "I hope we're not interrupting."

Tempest shook her head, "Of course not, sir. It's time to practice?" she asked as she stood up straight again.

I nodded, "Duel is tomorrow at Midnight, we have the rest of today and tomorrow."

Tempest nodded, "Midnight, good, that will give you an advantage even without magic. You went with barehooves like I said?"

"Yep, not about to try to learn to use a weapon without magic in that short a time," I said and glanced up to Luna, "But I likely should in the future, just in case. I have strained my horn too hard in the past, after all."

Luna nodded, "Not a bad idea," she agreed