Chapitre 58

Chapter 58

I love griffons.

They were serving sushi. Or something very similar. Sunset and Twilight had been served more Equestrian food, but my plate was filled with fish, rice and dipping sauces.

Happy batty. What more, the bat thing had completely fixed the problem my body had with too much meat before!

"It's good to see that you have recovered so fast, Prince Page," Princess Silverlining said from across the table, "I was worried at the arena, you were bleeding."

"Looked worse than it was," I said and shrugged my wings, "And alicorns heal well."

The pain potion and illusion around myself helped of course.

"Who were those griffons that were cheering by the way?" Twilight asked after finishing a piece of tomato, "They seemed to be on Pages side."

"Ah," King Darkfeather said, "Those were some of the more active members of the Temple."

Twilight frowned, "The temple?"

He nodded, "Temple of the Sisters. Alicorn worshippers."

Ah. Well, that made some level of sense I suppose. Moving the sun and moon were certainly godlike. Thinking about it, I'm actually a bit surprised it's not more common.

Twilight nodded, "I have read about that," she said, "Is it common among griffons?"

Princess Silverlining shrugged slightly, "It's not uncommon. Most don't go to quite those levels, but it's far from uncommon. Alicorns are gods after all."

Twilight shifted slightly uncomfortably, "Oh."

"It happens in Equestria too," Sunset pointed out, looking at her, "It's not really encouraged by Princess Celestia, but… It happens. Even in Canterlot."

"I know," Twilight said, "It just feels odd. And I didn't know it happened among non-ponies."

Darkfeather nodded, "Like my daughter said, tt's not uncommon," he said before he looked at me, "You are still planning on spending a few days seeing the land?"

I nodded, "Of course. No reason not to. I'm fine after all," I said before I grinned, "Besides, I don't plan to do a lot of running around. Maybe we'll study some local wildlife."

That got a chuckle from him, "I see."

I grinned before I frowned and sipped my wine, "Have you heard back from your troops?"

Darkfeather made a small grumbling sound and sipped his own drink, "Not so far, but I don't expect word back for another few days at the very least."

"I hope nopony else has gotten hurt meanwhile," Twilight said with a small frown.

Darkfeather shook his head with a small frown, "I very doubtful that this will be resolved without anyone getting hurt, Princess. Best we can do is to make sure it is the rebels."

"Surely there has to be a way to talk to them?"

"If they are rebels, we certainly intend to try," Darkfeather told her, "But so far, it seems unlikely. Right now, the best chance we have for that is for them to surrender and be taken prisoner."

"If they are rebels, father?" Silverlining asked with a frown.

"If they are rebels," he confirmed, "It may still be a ploy to have us pull our forces away from that part of the border."

I slowly shook my head, "I don't think so. Agnelia wasn't lying. If they aren't rebels, then she doesn't know about it. She at the very least thought what she was saying was the truth."

Darkfeather looked at me, "You are certain?"

"As certain as I can be," I agreed.

It's not perfect, but I have gotten pretty good at spotting lies.


"I want to see it," Twilight said as we entered our quarters, "Before we leave tomorrow."

"See what?" Sunset asked and stretched with a small groan.

"The Temple," Twilight clarified, "The temple of the Sisters. I want to see it."

Sunset paused and frowned at her, "Are you sure that's a good idea, Twi?"

"...No," Twilight admitted, "But I want to see it," before she looked at me, "Page?"

I hesitated and shifted my wings uncertainty, "We should have time, not like we're leaving at first light," I admitted, "But I don't think we should go as ourselves."

"Griffons?" Sunset asked.

I nodded, "If we're going. I'm fairly sure that going as ourselves it would cause somewhat of a… scene."

Sunset snorted in amusement, "No really, wingboy? You think so? Two alicorns showing up at a temple for alicorn worshippers? That'd cause a scene? No…"

Twilight shot her a look and then sighed, "I… I just need to see it."

I nodded again, "We go under illusions