Chapitre 66

Chapter 66

The fire was roaring in the fireplace, crackling away happily as I walked inside, spreading its warmth through the room. Celestia received me in one of her private rooms today instead of the throneroom.

What more, this entire section of the castle was heated up to summer temperatures and I slipped my cloak off as I walked into the room, folding it up and putting to the side.

This wasn't one of the rooms I was in usually when visiting Sunshine that usually had large windows to the outside. Instead it was a comfortably warm small personal library with marble floor and artifacts on display among the books. The only windows were very small and very high on one wall.

A large gem. A helmet. A silvery sword mounted on the wall, the hilt carrying Celestia's mark and wrapped in gold and silver.

Nopony was there as I walked in, allowing the door to close behind me as I put my cloak over the back of a chair on my way over to study the artifacts as I waited.

While I was looking at a clear crystal carved into the shape of a delicate feather in a display case, the door opened and I turned to look.

Celestia entered with a smile, "Page. Welcome back."

No crown. No fancy necklace. No shoes. Just radiant Celestia, beautiful as a sunrise.

No wonder some consider her a goddess.

"Thank you," I said and turned to her, "It's good to be back. You're looking good."

Celestia smiled and then glanced down at herself, lifting one hoof off the floor as she spread her wings wide, splaying her feathers, "I was in the bath when I got word you had arrived. My regalia were being cleaned and polished. I didn't think I would need them for you."

"You certainly don't," I agreed and crossed over, hugging her softly. Her warm wings slipped around me. She smelled like summer sun, warm fur and meadow flowers. I could feel the heat radiating from her like a sunwarm rock.

"How was your journey?"

"It went well," I answered and let go to smile up at her, only to find her frowning down at me as her wing moved along my side.

Hadn't bothered to make the illusion over the bandages a tactile one.

Sighing softly, I stepped back and dropped the illusion, revealing the bandages around my barrel one the side of my flank.

"That explains why my sister was upset," Celestia said with a frown, "You were hurt worse than you told me."

"It's just some scratches!" I exclaimed and spread my wings in slight frustration as I stomped one hoof, "Seriously! It's not that bad! It just looks that way with the bandages!"

Celestia looked at me sceptically, "So if I were to remove those, I would not find deep claw marks along your barrel and flank?"

"They'll heal!" I protested before I sighed and folded my wings again, "...Yes, he hit me, but it's honestly not that bad, Sunshine. Everypony does that and I'm starting to get annoyed at ponies making a fuss over it," I said and stomped one hoof, "I'm not made of bucking glass!"

Celestia's wings dropped for a split second before she sighed, "We know, Page," and crossed over closer to me, "We just don't like seeing you hurt. Imagine if it had been Twilight or Luna. Or Sunset."

I stomped my hoof against the marble, flicking my ears before I nodded with a small sigh, "I guess I get that," I admitted.

If that had been the case, I would have been absolutely furious and I… I suppose I might not have been as restrained about showing my displeasure to the griffons.

"So don't blame ponies for caring," Celestia said gently and bumped her nose between my ears.

"I won't," I sighed again before I looked up at her, "Want to know how it went?"

"Did anything new happen since we spoke last night?"

I smiled at her and shook my head, "Not really, no. Sparks will have a full written report ready however, feel free to read or not."

"I always read all of Twilight's reports, essays and thesis," Celestia said with a small smile.

"I get that," I said and then looked at her, giving her a small poke with my hoof as I smiled, "I love Sparks, but you didn't really teach her brevity, did you? Besides, I only sometimes get what she's talking about. I love Sparks, but she's so much smarter than me, she might as well be a different species."

Celestia shook her head, "Page, you're plenty intelligent," she said, her wing brushing my side as she walked up next to me and I raised my wing against her feathers, "It's nothing but a matter of education. Do keep in mind that Twilight has studied her entire life."

I nodded, "I suppose. But I suspect some of it may have to do with Sparks just being smarter than I am," I pointed out, "Because, damn. That mare is smart."

It's kind of hot to be honest.

"She is, isn't she?" Celestia said with a proud smile, "She is the best student I could have wished for."

"Hey!" I teased, sticking my tongue out at her.

Sunshine smiled playfully, "You're doing quite well as well," she said and her wing brushed against mine as she flexed her long feathers, "Would you like some tea?"

"That would be nice, thank you."

Buck, I could do with a cup of earl grey right now.

Celestia lit her horn and a bell rang somewhere. A moment later a door opened and a pink earth pony maid entered,


"Could we have some tea, Sweet?" Celestia asked and then smiled, "And do we have some of those chocolate buns?"

Sweet smiled, "But of course, Princess. It will only be a moment. Would you like something stronger too?"

Celestia glanced at me.

I hesitated and then shook my head, "Not today I think."

Celestia nodded and turned back to her, "That will be all for now, Sweet."

She curtsied and left, leaving us alone again. Hmm. I really should pick up a new supply while I'm in Canterlot. Ordering is all well and all, but I'd like to visit Silver Leaf again anyway.

"Say, Sunshine," I said and looked around the room, "Before I get distracted asking about the objects around this room, I had an idea earlier and I was wondering something about tonight. Something for Luna."
