Chapitre 71

Chapter 71

Pushing the door open, I was hit by a sudden strike of nostalgia as the air filled with the scent of hot drinks and newly baked treats.

Quickly stepping into the warmth, allowing Iron Shine in behind me, I looked around. The place was emptier than last time I was here, but it also somehow looked bigger.

"Prince Page!" the light blue pegasus with pink mane exclaimed from behind the counter before she quickly rounded it to approach, "Welcome back to Canterlot!"

I smiled at her, "Thank you, Silver. It's good to be back," I said before I looked around, "Where is everypony, your place is usually slammed."

She grinned and fluffed her wings, "Caught me between lunch and end of work rushes, your majesty."

I shook my head, "Silver, it's Page. We have known each other for ages."

"Just tell it like I see it," Silver said and flicked one ear, "You look princely."

"...Thanks, I suppose," I admitted before I looked around, "Is it me, or is this place bigger than I remember? Admittedly it has been a few years."

Silver nodded and looked towards the left, "About… a year and a half ago I bought the store next door and expanded. I can actually mostly handle the entire rushes now."

"That's amazing, I'm so glad things are going so well."

She raised an eyebrow at me, "And I'm sure it has nothing to do with you?"

I blinked at her, "Huh?"

"Page, you made this popular. See the mark on the sign above the door? I'm an official royal supplier. Princess Celestia and the castle import their teas through me!"

"Oh, cool. I thought I recognized it this morning."

Silver shook her head, "Do you have any idea what that does in Canterlot?" she asked before she sighed, "Thank you."

I shrugged, "You have good tea, it's all I told ponies. If you didn't, no level of good PR would have helped. That's all it is. Your father would have been proud of everything you have done here."

She sniffed softly but nodded with a smile, "I think so too," she said before rubbing her fetlock across her eyes for a second before she looked at me again, "Can I get you a cup of tea?"

I smiled at her and nodded, "Yes please."

As she quickly returned behind the counter and got herself busy, I picked a table and sat down, motioning for Iron Shine to join me.

"I always liked the scent of this place," Iron Shine admitted as she settled down, "There is a place in Nocturnis, but it's not anywhere near as big. A large stand actually."

"It's coming," I said, "We don't have as many ponies as Canterlot yet, but it's coming in time."

I hoped.

Iron Shine nodded and then looked towards the side as Silver approached. I looked over too before I blinked, "Silver, that's way too much!"

She was carrying a large tray with not only tea, but about a ton of different treats. Buns, rolls, chocolate, even some bagels.

"Not at all," she protested and set it down, sitting down by the table with us, "I have been looking for somepony to try these on. Most aren't for sale yet."

I smiled but didn't argue with her, instead I took a piece of chocolate in my magic to nibble on. Hmm, blueberry.

"You as well, miss…"

"Iron Shine, Miss Silver Leaf," Iron said with a nod, ``I'm Prince Pages guard for the day," she said but slid a bagel over to herself.

The one you could see anyway, Amber was here somewhere. And knowing Skitter, she likely had another half dozen 'lings following me around somewhere out of sight just to be sure.

Silver nodded and poured us each a cup of tea before filling one of herself as well, "Nice to meet you. How is Nocturnis? I read your letters, of course, but…"

I nodded, "It's nice," I said and sipped my tea, "I think so at least, but I'm naturally nocturnal and a thestral. We're made for that kind of environment. I think you'd be better off asking somepony like Iron here."

Silver turned to her, "Well, Miss Shine?"

Iron Shine nibbled at her bagel in thought, "It took a bit getting used to," she said after a moment, "Being up at night and sleeping during the day. It's a bit warm, but not too bad during the night. It can be tricky getting around if you don't have wings though."

I nodded, "Which is a fair point, our population is almost ten percent non-winged. Unicorns or earth ponies. And foals that can't fly yet. We should put up more bridges."

Iron smiled, "It's not that bad as that, sir. No harder to get around than in Canterlot, really. It's just that you can see where you're going earlier, makes it feel worse than it is."

I glanced at my tea, "...Not sure what to do about that one."

"Just something to get used to, sir."

But that was a very good point, we should do a survey along everypony in the village, see what they thought could be improved or changed. It was their village more than anypony else's. Not just what the leaders of the village thought.

Fluttershy did some of that already, but getting it down on paper would be a good idea. Suggestion box?

Have to be a way to optimize the bridge layout between popular destinations. Bet Sparks or Midnight would like that sort of planning project.

"...I wonder how chocolate handles train transport," I wondered out loud, glancing down at the piece still floating in my magic, "Because I'd like this more often."

Silver looked thoughtful, "...Maybe with a unicorn cooling it? Or if transported as beans?" she asked, "It is warm down south. Chocolate doesn't travel well. You can't freeze it either."

I sighed softly, "Well, likely for the best, would not be good for my weight