Chapitre 73

Chapter 73

The fire crackled in the fireplace and soft music played from a gramophone in the corner. I was laying on the couch, Sunset curled up right next to me, using my shoulder as a pillow. Swift and Minuette were in the exact same position in the other corner of the couch while Cloud and Ocean Breeze were in the large armchair.

Twilight and Rising High were playing chess on a small table towards the other side while discussing airships.

It had taken a couple of hours, but Rising High and Ocean Breeze had finally started to calm down towards the end of dinner. Apparently Sparks and I had been stressing them out a bit.

"So you're out for a couple of weeks?" Sunset asked Thunder Cloud.

He nodded, "Yep, talked to my Commander this morning, I'm put on medical leave for two weeks and then on light duty until recovered. Because I was stupid."

Ocean Breeze nodded, "Stupid," she agreed and brushed her cheek against his, "Don't you dare scare me like that again."

She was tall for a pegasus, even tall for a unicorn. She had a bit of that leggy alicorn build that was rare even among unicorns, making her almost as tall as Swift, making her a hoof taller than Cloud. I suspected that she came from a unicorn family, or at least had a couple in her family tree somewhere. She had a light blue coat and seafoam green mane with a golden tone cutiemark, wearing a white dress. She was a musician. I hadn't known her name at the time, but I had actually seen her before at the canterlot theater. She had a rather distinct color combination so I remember having seen her a couple of times.

"I'll try," Cloud agreed and smiled at her.

Sunset looked at me and I nodded in agreement. Yes, goes for me too.

Swift grinned, "But stupid is your natural state of being, how would that work?"

Cloud laughed, "Says you. You may all outrank me, but who here is it that doesn't have a lot of paperwork, has no night shifts and every evening gets to go home to my marefriend?"

He pretty much had us there. While Cloud was an officer now of the solar guard, he was in the Canterlot Scouts. They did a lot of the air patrols above the city as well as being responsible for the weather above it. But never that far away from the city itself.

"You know, he got a point," I admitted and sipped my drink, "How the buck did we get dragged into this?" I asked Swift.

He shrugged, "I'm not sure about me, but you grew wings and married a Princess. That's all on you, mate."

"Well, he got you there," Sunset said and kissed my cheek.

I glowered at her before I sighed and set my wing across her back, "...Fair…" I admitted and then smiled, "But wouldn't trade any of it for the world."

"What's Nocturnis like now?" Minuette asked, "I heard some from Swift, but it's been years."

"Bigger," I said and sipped my drink, "Ponies have started to settle in, almost everypony's homes are finished and so are some public structures. The defenses are being improved, Midnight invented a new kind of ballista."

Swift nodded, "Still in the trees?"

"We're working on that," Sunset said, "Twi and Midnight have an idea, but it's going to take a lot of work, but should be able to keep all the large things out."

I nodded and sighed, "Then the real work starts," I admitted, "Readying land for farming is going to… take a lot of effort."

Swift nodded, "That would help a lot," he agreed, "With the biggest ones kept away, the Guard could handle the smaller ones," he said before he frowned, "...How big can it keep out?"

"Still being tuned," I admitted, "Like we said, a lot of effort remains. We want it to let ponies and smaller in, but nothing else."

"Without crashing the train into it, I hope," Sunset pointed out.

"And that. You are all welcome to come visit anytime you like, by the way."

Luckily, none of that was my task, two much smarter ponies were on the job!

Ocean Breeze raised her head and craned her neck, looking towards the window, "It's snowing?"

"There was a snowfall scheduled," Swift said and then frowned, looking towards the window, "But I don't remember it being anything said about a full on snowstorm."

Cloud sighed, "I'm away from work for one day…"

Ocean grinned and then stretched, "It's getting late anyway, we should head home."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Minuette said with a small frown, "Are you sure you want to go out into this? Pegasi or not, it has to be absolutely freezing outside right now. I think it might be better if everypony stays until tomorrow just to be safe."

Sunset frowned, "Do you have room for all of us?"

Swift nodded, "We have a small guestroom and a couch that pulls out too, should have place for everypony."

Sunset turned her head and looked over at Sparks, "What do you think, Twi? Or can you teleport us back?"

Sparks moved a chess piece and frowned in thought, "...Not really," she admitted, "Canterlot has a lot of magic disrupting things such as teleporting. Maybe in an emergency, but not just to avoid some cold weather," she said before she smiled, "It's very kind of you to allow us to stay the night."

"Not at all, Princess," Rising High said with a smile across from the chess table from her, "It's the least we can do."

I wanted to get back and spend the night with Luna between her meetings, but… I really, really didn't want to go out in weather that might freeze my wings off. I'll join her in the dream realm instead.

Minuette looked at Ocean and Cloud, "So what do you guys say?"

Cloud nodded, "Thanks Minuette," he said, "I kind of am not looking forward to walking home right now."

"Are you in pain?" Ocean asked him with a small worried frown.

"I'll be fine, I'll take a potion before bed," He answered, giving her a small smile.

Sunset shifted and whispered, "Same question to you," into my ear.

I leaned in, "I'm fine," I whispered back and held her closer with my wing, "I have barely felt anything today. Should be able to remove the bandages tomorrow."

I still kept them beneath an illusion, no need to worry ponies unnecessarily.

"Well," Minuette said and jumped off the couch, "If nopony is heading out, would anypony like a cup of hot cider?"

Cloud put his hoof up. Ocean forced it back down, "Yes please. The goof next to me will have hot chocolate."

Everypony else agreed to a cup of cider and Minuette headed for the kitchen, Rising moving to assist, Twilight slipping off her chair to come along as well.

I relaxed against the couch, pulling Sunset a bit tighter and she rested her head against my shoulder..


I missed this