Chapitre 81

Chapter 81

"And this one," Flower said and slid another paper onto the table before me.

I checked through it and then signed, "Seriously, how did these find us? I'm away from Nocturnis, how in Equestria does paperwork find us even on the way back!?"

Flower smiled a bit sheepishly, "I'm afraid that's my fault, your highness. I arranged for things to be delivered on the outgoing train from Nocturnis after we left. That way we wouldn't be met with a mountain of it when we got back."

"...Fair enough," I admitted with a small sigh, "That was good thinking, Flower.".

I looked out the window at the rain hammered against the window, the jungle pitch black outside as the jungle around the train as trees and foliage flashed past the barely lit cabin, I could barely make anything out. Tomorrow afternoon we'll reach Nocturnis.

It would be good to get back home again. I was seriously getting tired of this train after a week on it. At least Sparks' idea of sleeping hanging from my tail had helped, somehow. Not entirely sure why, I swung more then, then the train moved beneath the bed, but… somehow it had helped.

"Last one," Flower said with a smile, dropping three papers before me, "Just a report from the guard. There was another Rexosaurus sighting while we were away, but it never got close to town. Apparently, it's a juvenile, they think it will be driven away by the large female that has our town in her territory."

"Well, that's good at least," I agreed, "One is more than enough."

"Couldn't agree more," Flower said and nodded with a small shiver, "I have to admit… they scare me."

"That just proves that you're a bright mare," I said with a smile, "They are scary," before I slipped off my seat and stretched, wings raised high as my ear perked up at the sound of laughter.

The rest were playing a boardgame in the other cabin. Sounds like somepony just got a point or… something. Not sure what they were playing.


We're almost back there. I was both looking forward to it and dreading it. It was our home, I wanted to see what had happened while we were gone. I wanted to see everypony again. But.. I had no idea how I would be able to keep my promise to Sparks about keeping things down to eight hours a night.

Even after cutting things down and delegating more, I had very rarely been able to go as low as eight. Sure, there was the occasional night where I only had things booked for four or so, but things tended to slip in somehow.

Folding my wings again, I smiled at Flower, "We're done for tonight I think?"

She nodded, "We are," she agreed and finished shuffling the papers into order, flipping through them to make sure we didn't miss anything.

"Then, I think you have the rest of the night free," I said and then smiled at her, "I did spot a book while you unpacked the papers. Anything good?"

"So far," Flower agreed as she finished putting things away before she blushed softly, "It's just a trashy romance novel."

"I found that trashy books may be some of the best," I admitted, "They are more about having fun and enjoying yourself and the experience than trying to be deep. Or worse, pretending to be. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Everypony should read what they like to read."

Flower nodded before she looked at me, "...What do you like to read?"

"I like adventure books," I told her, "And science fiction and fantasy. Hardly what most would call high literature. But it's what I like. Now, I'll leave you to your reading. Have a nice night, Flower."

"You as well, your highness."

She left, heading forwards in the train, leaving me alone for a moment and I stretched again, glancing towards the window before I shook my head and walked out the door to the next carriage, stopping and blinking at the bright lights for a moment before I spotted Sunset to the side on one of the couches, a drink floating in her magic next to her and a book laid out over her forelegs. Everypony else was on the floor where an area had been cleared out, gathered around a large boardgame.

Judging from the piles of things next to them, it seemed like Pinkie Pie was currently winning. Unless the objective is to get rid of as much stuff as possible, because then she's dead last.

"Hey," I said and jumped up to lay down next to Sunset, "you out already?"

Sunset stuck her tongue out, "The dice didn't like me today," she admitted and then sipped her drink, "Get your work done?" she asked and offered it to me.

I took a small sip from her fruity and strong drink before handing it back, "For now, anyway. That was a good idea of Flower, at least this way it is spread out and not just dumped onto my desk all at once tomorrow."

Sunset nodded, "There will be a bunch of it anyway," she then pointed out and shifted slightly, leaning against me.

Sighing, I shifted to slip my wing across her back, pulling her closer as I nosed at her ear, "I know," I agreed, "But what can you do? I tried to outlaw paperwork like three times, but it never seemed to work. Crafting dreams, moving the sun and the moon… there seems like there are limits to even an alicorn's power."

Sunset laughed softly and kissed my cheek, "Seems like there is," she teased.

I grumbled and nosed at her ear, "Be nice."

"I'm very nice," Sunset teased and winked before she cuddled close, "But it looks like we will be able to get there with time to spare at least. A week until Founding Day."

"I was worried for a bit there," I admitted and stole a sip from her drink, "But-"

The train's horn sounded followed almost instantly by a scream of metal against metal as the brakes engaged. There was a loud banging crash of a sound from somewhere ahead. I had just about enough time to turn my head before there was the sound of twisting and tearing metal and the carriage moved in a way it definitely should not, shifting sideways with a massive jolt, pressing me down against the couch.

Ponies screamed and we were thrown around and I found myself airborne, the walls whirling and the couch disappeared beneath us. Metal screamed and glass shattered as everything and everyone inside turned into projectiles.