Chapitre 88


I slowly swayed as the tree shifted slightly in the breeze. The rain was long over and I could just about make out stars above through the leaves as the moon lit the forest around us.

It was crowded with everypony up in the tree, so every batpony did the batpony thing and hung by our tails from branches above everypony else, giving them room where they could lay down.

Some had glow crystals, mostly the Nocturnis natives, some unicorns preferring to light their horns. Some were reading books, some resting in place. Nopony but some thestrals were asleep. While everypony seemed a lot more relaxed now they were off the ground, nopony but the injured and those that could hang by their tails were quite that relaxed.

Especially those without wings.

Twilight was cuddling Sunset on the branch below. I would have liked to be down there with them, but… there wasn't room. Even if there had been, it would have been selfish to demand it.

Midnight lay next to Twilight, a book floating in her magic. And around them, were the rest of the Element Bearers.

Everypony else spread out from there.

I couldn't help but think that maybe 'lings and ponies weren't that different after all. Almost without thinking, everypony gathered around their alicorns.

For protection? Or to protect?

Not sure anypony here knew why they had picked the formation they had, or even realized they had. Nopony said to form up around us. But… I had seen the exact same thing with changeling drones around Chrysalis.

Made me wonder if maybe 'lings and ponies… maybe were related somehow.

And speaking of 'lings…

I looked upwards. Amber was lying asleep on the branch I was hanging from, laying just past me, her nose resting on my tail so if I moved a muscle, she'd wake up.

She had not been happy having to be carried up here. But with an injured leg and a missing wing…

Not much of a choice in the matter, but I carried her myself.

There was movement to the right and Flower reached out to touch my shoulder, "Your Highness," she said quietly, holding out a fruit. It looked like an apple in the moonlight. Something salvaged from the train supplies, not something gathered in the jungle.

"Thank you," I said, giving her a small smile as I took it with my magic, splitting it half before offering half back to her.

She shook her head, "No thank you."

I nodded and split the apple into slices in my magic before nibbling on one, "Only a couple of hours until sunrise," I said quietly, "We'll be on our way soon."

Flower Rain nodded, "I know, your majesty. Though, I have to admit… I see why some of my friends have gotten rid of their beds. This is relaxing."

You have time to have friends? You're the only pony I know that worked more than I did.

"Really?" I asked instead, "Is that common? Not sure it's practical."

Flower shrugged, "Mostly for all thestral families," she admitted, "I wouldn't say it's common, but it's not uncommon either."


While it was relaxing to sleep or rest like this, I couldn't help wondering if it wouldn't be a good idea to keep a bed anyway. For other activities if nothing else.

But sleeping like this really has a lot of pros. Way easier not to get too warm. Was comfortable. Way easier not to accidentally sleep on a wing. That was never fun.

But the cuddle score was kind of low.

Maybe I should from time to time, it wouldn't take much to have something installed in the bedroom. Too bad Sparks and Sunny couldn't join me though.

Glancing down, I then floated the rest of the sliced up apple down to before them. Sparks glanced up and smiled, taking it in her magic before splitting them up between her and Sunset, "Thanks. How's the view from up there?"

I smiled down at her, "It's rather nice."

Sunset spared me a small smile, "Going to have a perch installed at home?" she asked, but I could tell that she was still feeling horrible.

I didn't blame her really. I didn't feel much better myself, but I couldn't let ponies see it. She was doing the exact same thing I was. But I saw it in her eyes. In her every movement.

Was it because I knew her so well? Or because she was trying to hide it?

In the end it didn't matter, not really. My Sunny was in pain and right now there was nothing I could do about it.

"Thinking about it," I answered instead, "It's rather nice. Wanna try it?"

Sunset wrinkled her nose at the thought, "No thank you. My tail is not made to be hanging from and after five minutes, half my blood would be in my head, I think tail hanging is best left to bats."

"And Pinkie," Twilight interjected, glancing towards the side. I followed her line of sight. Pinkie Pie was hanging by her tail four thestrals down from me, deep asleep. And drooling, causing the ponies beneath her to have left an empty space despite the narrow quarters.

"...And Pinkie Pie I suppose," Sunset admitted, "I'm just not made for it," before she smiled and looked at Twilight, "unless you'd like to try it, Twi?"

Sparks quickly shook her head, "No thank you, I'm good. My tail doesn't work like that anymore than yours does," before she looked up at me, "...But I have to say it's a pity. That looks relaxing."

"It really is," I agreed and wrapped my wings tighter around myself