Chapitre 2

Chapter 2

The inside of the changeling hive was warm and humid, especially in comparison to the winter air outside.

"Here we are, sir," the changeling drone said as he led me to a door, "The Queen and Princess are inside."

I smiled at him, "Thank you, Thorax," and then put my hoof on the door, pushing it open as I entered the throneroom.

Chrysalis looked up from where she was lounging on the throne, "You have returned to Canterlot, my little predator," she said in greeting, looking away from Skitter who were standing by the base of her throne.

I bowed to her, spreading my wings with a smile, "Queen Chrysalis, Princess Skitter," I said, looking up at them, "Thank you. But it's only for the holidays, we'll return in a week."

Chrysalis slid off her throne, moving down the stairs from her throne to look down at me, "Why are you here, pony?"

I smiled at her, "A couple of reasons," I said, "The first is to invite you and your daughter for a visit back to Nocturnis. We can't feed a hive long term, but we can handle a royal visit. I believe the climate will agree with you better than the cold of Canterlot."

The Changeling Queen regarded me dispassionately for a long moment as I smiled up at her.

I knew what she was doing. She was thinking about every kind of possibility. Of it being a trap, an assassination attempt and a million other things.

Chrysalis finally nodded, "Agreed," she finally said, "It would be… nice to be away from the cold of the surface," she then added much quieter.

"And on that note," I added and opened my bag, holding up a pair of wrapped gifts, "Presents! Happy Hearth's Warming!"

Chrysalis blinked at me with wide eyes as Skitter walked up next to us,

"Presents, sir?" Skitter asked with a small head tilt.

"Presents!" I agreed and floated one over to her as I held one up to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis shifted slightly, one hoof scraping against the resin floor of the cave before she took it in her magic, unwrapping the paper.

I smiled as I watched them unwrap a pair of matching emerald green and black, thick and fluffy scarves and winter hats.

Chrysalis slowly turned them over in her magic, looking uncertain before glancing at Skitter. Skitter smiled, her wings buzzing as she wrapped the scarf around her neck and putting the hat on her head, carefully adjusting it over her antenna before letting the poofy tip hang to the side. She then looked up at her mother.

The Queen hesitated another second before she did the same, wrapping the scarf around her neck, "We accept your offering, pony," she said and put the beanie on her head, carefully adjusting it so it didn't press on her antenna cluster.


Chrysalis looked at Skitter for a long second before she sighed and turned back to me, "...Thank you…"

I smiled at her, "You're welcome. And you're also invited tonight for our Hearths Warming celebration," I said and then shifted my wings, "But so you know, everypony in the family will be there, including Princess Celestia," I warned her, "I know you're not comfortable with her."

Chrysalis glared down at me, "I am not afraid of the Princess of Fire!"

"I didn't say you were," I told her seriously, "Just that you're not comfortable around her which is understandable. You were enemies for a long time and I know she's not comfortable around you either. But I wanted to invite you two as well. As will Princess Cadance and Shining Armor if they made it. Cadence has already promised to behave if you are there."

Chrysalis shifted again, her wings moving on her back and one hoof scraping at the floor before she nodded, "Very well, we will attend your pony holiday. But we will not put up with any pony foolishness."

"Don't worry," I told her with a smile, "There will be chocolate and I think you'll like the emotions on display as well," I said and closed my bag, taking a step back, "Happy Hearth's Warming, Queen Chrysalis, Princess Skitter."

"You may leave, my little predator," Chrysalis said and started to turn back to her throne.

"Mother!" Skitter exclaimed, looking up at her firmly, stomping one hoof.

Chrysalis paused and glanced back at me, "...Happy Hearth's Warming," she said and glanced at Skitter before looking at me again, "Page."

Smiling, I bowed deeply to them again before heading out to leave. One stop done, now to do the same to Silver Leaf followed by Swift Spear and his marefriends and then Thunder Cloud and his marefriend.

I met Thorax outside the door again and the drone started to guide me back out of the hive, not that I needed help to find the way. I had gone there many times.

Igniting my horn, I reached into my satchel and pulled out my cloak, scarf and hat, putting them on before also wrapping myself in a heating spell. Wasn't as cold as last year outside, but it was way colder than I was comfortable with.

"Thanks for the guide," I told the drone and floated over a piece of chocolate, giving him a quick hug with my wing, "Happy Hearth's Warming."

"Happy Hearth's Warming, sir!"

With that, I left a very happy changeling behind as I walked out the hive. On to the next objective