Chapitre 4

Chapter 4

I slowly slipped out of the peace of sleep at the movement next to me. I grumbled and tightened the hold with my wing.

"Page... need to go..." Sunset said softly and stirred again.

"...Stay. Early..."

She sighed softly against my neck before she carefully untangled herself and slipped out of the bed. I forced an eye open to look after her. Just in time for Sparks to scoot into the place Sunny had evacuated and my entire vision was filled with mane.

I closed my eye again, relaxing. It was early. Luna was deep asleep behind me still.

Twilight sleepily rolled over with a small groan of protest, shifting until her nose was beneath my chin before she settled down again, already back asleep.

But I couldn't fall asleep again. Tonight was the night.

The night we change Nocturnis.

But the sun was still well above the horizon, light filtering in through the bubble of darkness over the bed. Enough to keep it from waking Sunset or Twilight, but I could still see it.

Hours until Luna would get up. Way too early.

Slipping my wing across Twilight's, I held her tighter, pressed my nose against her mane and slowly started to return to the dream realm.

Sparkles shimmered through the dream realm and Luna smiled at me as I returned to it, "What happened?" she asked.

I smiled and stretched my wings, "Sunny got out of bed, woke me up," I said, "She works too hard."

Luna raised an eyebrow at me.

"I know, I know. But things are about to get better for everypony. And I may just ban Sunny from her position leading the guard to get her to slow down."

Luna smiled and shook her head, "Sunset would not appreciate that."

"...No," I admitted and sighed, "And I wouldn't do that. And admittedly it has been crazy with all the preparations for the activation of the shield. I may have been the least busy pony actually, all I did was write a speech."

That got a wider smile from her and she bumped her nose against mine, "Welcome to politics."

"Poly-Tics. Multiple bloodsucking insects," I said, "Yeah, that seems about right."

Luna laughed and moved up next to me, slipping her wing across my back in a hug, "I see you are familiar with the noble and venerable houses of Equestria."

I sighed and leaned against her, "Indeed. How are things on that front anyway? Your sister says everything is fine, but..."

"In reality, it is," Luna admitted, "Nothing they find overly upsetting has been happening lately so matters have calmed down to the usual simmer."

"That's good I suppose," I said with a small frown.

Luna nodded, "Especially after they started to calm down from the second changeling invasion."

I grinned at that, "They actually call it that? Overdramatic much?"

"Very," Luna agreed, "But it did calm down fairly quickly."

Changelings joining the Canterlot workforce.

I had spent special time squashing nightmares. Or if I had the time, turning them around to be nice ones during the first couple of weeks of the Canterlot hive 'invading' canterlot. It had definitely been an adaptation period for everypony involved. Ponies or Changelings.

But apparently it was difficult to keep being nervous around beings that make you coffee.

"I was glad to hear that," I said and rested my head against her neck, "But I suspect we may stir things up a little soon."

Luna shifted her head to look down at me, "What do you have planned?" she asked suspiciously.

I smiled at her innocently, "What? Me?"

Luna tickled a feather along my side and I grinned,

"Nothing planned, just natural consequences," I admitted, "With the shield up, we will be able to stop just surviving down here. We'll start farming for real. Exporting exotic fruits, wines. We found some spices similar to pepper that some of us think may become popular. It is going to mess with the market in the rest of Equestria. Some ponies won't be happy."

"That always happens," Luna admitted, "Markets are always shifting and ponies are always unhappy about it."

I nodded, "I know, and I'm mostly worried about the villages close to the edge of the jungle. They have traditionally been the source of these kinds of things. We're about to be in a position to outcompete them with both quality and quantity. That will cause resentment and that will spread."

Luna flicked one ear and then touched her nose against mine, "Work with them."

"I plan to try."

If nothing else, having a bunch of friendly ponies to help interface with the rest of Equestria would be very useful. Even if they only did it from greed