Chapitre 6

Chapter 6

"Is it always this quiet?" Luna asked from next to me on my throne. I lounged next to her, leaning against her.

I smiled and looked around the mostly empty throne room. The only pony in the room other than us was Flower, the small thestral working at a desk as she went through some paperwork.

"Not really," I admitted, "But I expected that tonight would be dead quiet after yesternight. Way too many ponies with hangovers."

I had been putting off every duty I could for more Luna time while she was here, but audience time was for my ponies directly, even if I didn't expect anyone to show up after that epic party. I'm just glad said epic party distracted Twilight and Midnight for long enough for their anger with me to calm down. Not to say Sparks had not made her annoyance known last morning, not that I minded, she's sexy when angry.

If also scary.

"And I also remember giving somepony else the night off," I then added, shooting Flower a firm look.

Flower finished writing something before spitting her pen out and sticking her tongue out at me, "If I did, who would get this done? Besides, I plan to skip out after lunch, Your Majesty."

Luna grinned and nosed at my ear, "Are we sure she's not related to Grey Velvet?" she murmured quietly.

I smiled at her and shrugged.

In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me. I relied on Flower the same way Celestia relied on Velvet. Without her, I wouldn't even know my own schedule. Honestly, I have no idea where my schedule even is.

What night is it?

There was a knock on the door and Starlight poked her head in, "Prince Page, there is a collection of ponies here to see you."

I looked at her in surprise. I really hadn't expected anypony to show up today, "I see, well, let them in," I said.

Luna gave my ear a teasing lick before scooting off the throne to sit innocently on the floor next to it.

I startled but before I could or say anything, the door opened and a group of ponies entered.

Minx! I'll have my revenge!

They were a mixed group, three thestrals, a unicorn, a earth pony and a pegasus. At the front of the group was a thestral, her flame cutiemark standing out brightly against her grey coat.

Spicy Pepper walked up and then bowed deeply, her wings spreading, "Your Majesty," she said and then also bowed to Luna, "Princess Luna."

The rest of her group did the same but they all seemed content letting her do the talking. But there was something about their demeanor...

What are they up to?

"Pepper," I said with a smile, "What can I help you with?" I asked.

Ever since after the train crash, Pepper had really stepped up. She still ran her food stall, but now more local foods than just noodle dishes and she had become a bit of a community leader.

Pepper got up and brushed her mane back, "Actually, Prince Page," she said with a smile before lowering her hoof, "That is what we're here about."

Am I getting deposed? Can I be that lucky?

"In what way?" I asked, flicking one ear.

Pepper smiled, "...I'm not even going to pretend to be able to mimic the way you make speeches, your majesty, but everything you said about Princess Twilight and Princess Midnight last night applies to you ten times over."

I shifted slightly uncomfortable but didn't interrupt as she continued,

"It wasn't just last night we realized that, we have every since we arrived here," she said before she raised her hoof to intercept my protest, "I know you say we built this, not you, my Prince, but... without you, we never would have. We had been scattered across the lands, alone. Afraid. Even the year without the train was still better than when I grew up. None of us are rich, Nocturnis isn't a rich town, but everypony in town pooled some bits to get you something."

I didn't quite know what to say about that.

Pepper smiled and glanced back motioning for the earth pony, "Leaf?"

He nodded and stepped forward, reaching into his satchel and pulled out a polished wood box and passing it over to her. Pepper took it and then turned back to me, "We ordered this made custom by a jeweler in Canterlot," she said and turned it towards me, opening the box to reveal a silver circlet, "We wanted our Prince to have a crown."

Now I really didn't want to know what to say. I glanced at Luna only to see her smiling towards Pepper.

Then I moved down from the throne towards Pepper, "...Thank you," I told her, looking over her group, "I didn't expect to need one," I then admitted.

"You don't," one of the other thestrals said. I recognized her as well, Swift Dice, one of my guards, "You're our Prince, crown or no crown. But you deserve one."

I looked across them, meeting each of their eyes. Then I took half a step back and bowed to Pepper.

Moments later I felt the silver circlet settle onto my mane, resting just above my horn and I stood back up, "...Thank you," I said quietly before I smiled, "How do I look?"

Luna walked up next to me, smiling at the ponies before she looked at me, "Like a Prince