Chapitre 24

Chapter 24

What followed was painful.

I had my ears folded flat against my head, unable to stop myself cringing slightly as Midnight dressed Chrysalis down. Midnight were standing on the crystal table with the changeling queen backed straight up against the throne behind her, watching the alicorn with wide eyes.

There were times thestral hearing was a bad thing.

The yelling alone likely had an effect on its own, but the wavy mane and glowing eyes likely helped as well.

So far the subjects had involved but weren't limited to 'we use our words', 'what do you think you are doing', 'how dare you' and 'this is not how you act around ponies'.

Nopony or noling had dared to interrupt her since she started and I'm not too much of a coward to admit I had taken cover behind one of the thrones.


I glanced back to spot two of the changelings behind me. He looked at me and then poked my back again before pointing around the throne towards Midnight. I quickly shook my head.

Poke poke!


I shook my head again before he and the other changeling hiding with me both put their hooves against my back to push me out into the open.


I shot them a glare and then took a deep breath and got to my hooves. They were right though, this couldn't continue, we needed to get things done before the solar guard leveled the place. Or worse, Celestia arrived in warmode.

Ignoring my sudden urge to run, I crossed over and stood between Midnight and Chrysalis, "Midnight," I said, meeting her eyes.

She broke off mid word to glare at me, "And you! What were you thinking com-"

"Yell at me later," I told her, "Right now we have a situation to get under hoof. The solar guard will reach us by sunrise and by then we." I said and half turned to meet Chrysalis eyes, "Need to have at least a preliminary agreement in place and all ponies released."

The Changeling Queen looked at me in surprise, "The solar guard!?"

"Of course, did you think I came in here without a backup plan?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

She regarded me for a moment, climbing back onto her hooves, "...I am starting to understand my counterparts choice in names," she said with a small hiss before she looked to Midnight who's mane had started to settle down, "What say you, pony?"

Midnight took a deep breath and closed her eyes before she nodded firmly, "Let everypony go first and we'll talk. Nopony or ling is getting hurt today."

Chrysalis shook her head, "The Princess of Food and her consort will disrupt any possible discussions."

Midnight didn't look happy and stomped her hoof, "No. They will be released with everypony else," she said and then looked over at Shining Armor, "They will behave like everypony else. Right!?"

Shining Armor visibly swallowed and then nodded.

"May I suggest everypony but Shining Armor and Midnight leave the chamber before Cadance is released?" I suggested, "Just to avoid trouble."

"No!" Chrysalis quickly said, "Together the Princess of Food and the male can eject every Changeling in the castle from the Ponyville!"

Oh for...

"Fine," I said and rubbed my forehead with a hoof, "Everypony but Midnight and Talon leaves the throne room for-"

"I'm not leaving Cadance with any of you! You're all mind controlled!"

Two guesses who that was. Guess they removed the gunk from his muzzle by now.

I looked to Midnight, "Is it too late to put him in a pod?"

"Sadly yes," she grumbled and jumped off the table to trot off to talk to him.

I looked at Chrysalis, "Just so you know, part of this is going to involve apologies and offers of reparations to the Princess of Food and her consort," I told her.

Chrysalis bared her fangs at me, "Absolutely not, we do not apologize to food."

"You do if you want the food to cooperate," I told her firmly, "And if you want the food not to exterminate you. I don't give a buck if you mean it or not, what's important is that they believe it. Are you a changeling or not?"

She hissed at me, wings vibrating on her back, "I could turn you into a mushy spot on the wall. I defeated the Princess of Fire once!"

"Oh yeah?" I asked and stepped forward, almost nose to nose as I looked up at her, "Try me. See how things end up if you win."

Chrysalis hissed before she looked to the side.

"You find me infuriating," I told her quietly, "But I am the only pony here that's somewhat on your side of things and you can taste it. I will never lie to you and you know that as well. You need me for this to work."

She was quiet for a long moment, "...I will apologize to the food. We have nothing for reparations," she finally answered.

"We can work with that